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发布时间:2018-02-01 12:03

  本文关键词: 实现担保物权 特别程序 立法沿革 问题 建议 出处:《云南财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As an important system in civil and commercial law, the system of security interest is helpful to standardize the order of market economy, ensure the security of market transaction and promote the development of social economy. It has the irreplaceable function of other systems. The relevant provisions of our country to realize the real right of security are mainly embodied in the General principles of Civil Law, the guarantee Law, and the contract Law. In the "property Law" and the "Civil procedure Law". In the substantive law, Chapter 16, "Mortgage", article 195. Two ways for mortgagee to realize their rights are pointed out: one is that the mortgagors agree to discount the mortgaged property or auction to sell the mortgaged property, and the proceeds from the sale of the mortgaged property are given priority to be repaid; The other is that the non-mortgagee may request the people's court to auction and sell the mortgaged property. Although the Real right Law provides a direct basis in substantive law for the secured real right to realize through non-litigation. However, due to the lack of supporting provisions on the procedural law, it is difficult to achieve in judicial practice. Therefore, before the new Civil procedure Law comes into effect, the creditor usually brings a lawsuit to the people's court first to realize the security interest. Obtain effective judgment and then apply to the court for enforcement. Because of the complexity and long process of this way, the creditor's rights protection costs are high, which is not conducive to the protection of the legitimate interests of creditors. In 2012, the "special procedures" in the revised "Civil procedure Law", a separate addition of "the realization of security interest cases". For the first time, it clarifies the new way to realize the security right in the procedural law, provides the support of the procedure law for the security real right person through the non-lawsuit way, and guarantees the parties to realize the security right with low consumption and high efficiency. This is the direct embodiment of the effectiveness of the security real right system. The new Code of Civil procedure provides for the realization of the real right of security, and realizes the organic connection between the procedural law and the substantive law. It is an important institutional innovation to complete the significant transformation from litigation procedure to non-litigation procedure. Because the new law has too much principle to realize the non-litigation procedure of security interest, it is not operable. In addition, there are many opinions on the understanding and application of the procedure because of the inherent mode of thinking and operation of realizing the real right of security in the way of litigation, which has been formed for a long time in practice. To some extent caused the confusion of judicial application. Because there is no precedent for reference in judicial practice, there are still many difficulties and puzzles in realizing procedure. Therefore, we should strengthen legislative revision and continuous improvement. This article combines the revised Civil procedure Law and its judicial interpretation of the relevant provisions, as well as the academic community in recent years on the realization of special procedures for security interests. This paper sums up and summarizes the controversial issues and discusses the legal attributes of the special procedures for the realization of security real rights, taking the problems in the practice of the realization of security real rights in our country as the research object. This paper analyzes the development of the system of the realization of security real right, and points out the shortcomings of the procedure of realizing the real right of security in our country in combination with the practical cases and the provisions of the relevant foreign legislation. And how to perfect the realization procedure of security real right is discussed.


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