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发布时间:2018-02-01 20:26

  本文关键词: 认缴资本制 股东出资 出资义务 民事责任 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The establishment of the corporate capital system for the complete subscription capital system has injected new kinetic energy into the development of our market economy, but at the same time, it has also caused a series of problems worth pondering. Under the system of subscription capital, the most important part of the liability of shareholders' contribution is the civil liability of shareholders' contribution. The freedom of shareholder's contribution obligation leads to the corresponding change of the shareholder's civil liability for capital contribution. The period of capital contribution, the procedure of capital verification and the proportion of money contribution. The change of the minimum amount of corporate capital has a profound impact on the civil liability of shareholders' contribution, but this change is not the result of arbitrary, and there are profound practical and theoretical reasons behind it. The transformation of corporate capital credit to asset credit and the idea of balance protection between creditors' interests and shareholders' rights and interests both weaken the legal nature of shareholders' contribution obligations, and emphasize more on shareholders' free agreement. In reality, the freer shareholder contribution is the inevitable choice to add fuel to the economy and deepen the reform in an all-round way. It has a direct impact on the change of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution. Under the system of subscription capital, the civil liability of shareholders' contribution mainly includes the civil liability of capital contribution in the stage of the establishment of the company. The legal nature of civil liability is weakened and the scope of civil liability is reduced. The establishment of subscription capital system not only brings the aforementioned changes to the civil liability of shareholders. It also brings about a series of problems in the identification and undertaking of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution. In the recognition of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution, there is a lack of clear legal definition of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution. The identification of civil liability of shareholders' contribution is not clear; In the aspect of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution, the order of the civil liability of shareholders' contribution is not clear, and there is a lack of the change of shareholders' right to bear the responsibility. And there is no clear boundary between restricting and canceling shareholders' rights and so on. This has seriously affected the shareholders to contribute to the specific burden of civil liability. In order to subscribe to the capital system under the shareholder contribution of civil liability reasonable identification and orderly assumption. It is urgent to improve and optimize the civil liability of shareholders' contribution under the system of subscription capital, to endow the shareholders with double understanding of the liability for compensation for damages to the company, and to make clear the specific connotation of the liability for breach of contract of capital contribution. To establish the nature of the withdrawal of capital contribution, for shareholders to contribute to the identification of civil liability and undertake to break down the legal and cognitive barriers; Reasonably define the free limit of capital contribution under the system of capital subscription, perfect the publicity system of company capital information, perfect the system of denial of corporate personality, perfect the conditions for the identification of false capital contribution and withdraw the civil liability of capital contribution. Clear to the creditor to bear the main body of supplementary liquidation responsibility, in the system design for shareholders related to civil liability to create a more reasonable space to avoid the problem of unclear identification of responsibility; Establish the priority principle of capital enrichment responsibility, establish shareholder right change system, clear change the nature of shareholder right responsibility, perfect restriction, change, cancel the applicable scope and procedure of shareholder right. Only from the above aspects to perfect the system of civil liability of shareholders' contribution under the system of capital subscription, can we standardize the behavior of shareholders' contribution under the freedom. To promote the capital subscription system to play its due effect, for the economic development of China to create a new power.


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