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发布时间:2018-02-02 22:05

  本文关键词: 民事再审程序 再审证据结构 主要证据 新证据 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国《民事诉讼法》在2007年修改时,对申请再审证据和检察院抗诉证据方面的规定进行了细化,及至2012年《民事诉讼法》修改时,在2007年变动的基础上对申请再审证据和检察院抗诉证据进行了微调,这样改造后的民事诉讼再审证据必然成为民事再审程序中浓墨重彩的一笔,由于再审程序是我国民事制度中的一种纠错程序,因此在再审中对证据的把握与运用就显得尤为重要。 民事诉讼再审证据主要涉及新证据和主要证据,对于新证据理论界一直争议颇多,但是对主要证据的认识与把握则笔墨较少。主要证据是原审认定案件事实的基本证据,与新证据相较,在立法上对于主要证据的把握以及司法实务中明确的证明标准的界定都未能明言,对于主要证据与新证据的进一步把握有助于缓解法院再审案件积压的重担,节约司法资源,进而维护司法裁判的权威。因此,对再审主要证据和新证据这一再审证据结构的认识与把握势在必行。 本文分四部分对再审证据结构进行论述: 第一部分,本部分通过对再审证据的基本理论的研究,了解再审证据与再审程序运行的关系,再通过与原审证据在涉及法律关系、法律规制的不同之处,阐释我国民事诉讼再审证据的构成。 第二部分,借鉴域外国家在再审证据结构方面的有益经验,通过比较分析大陆法系和英美法系有关再审证据结构适用上的区别,为把握我国民事再审证据结构奠定基础。 第三部分,总结概括我国民事诉讼学术界、民事诉讼立法以及司法解释中有关我国民事诉讼再审证据构成的理论观点和相关规定,指明在民事诉讼再审证据结构方面需要厘清的理论问题和民事诉讼立法以及司法解释中需要把握的内容,为下一部分我国民事诉讼再审证据的把握与运用垒实基础。 第四部分是本文的核心,重点在于把握与运用我国民事诉讼再审运行过程中有关“主要证据”如何认定、关涉“基本事实”的证据、民事再审证据应达到的证明标准、因一方当事人提出新的证据引起民事再审造成对方当事人损失的补偿规定程序、对民事当事人因客观原因不能自行收集的证据规定的“客观原因”在立法上进行界定,在动态证据观理念指导下,把握界定民事再审证据结构应考量的具体因素,以民事诉讼司法实践推动再审证据结构理论的深入研究,对我国民事诉讼再审证据结构在实践中的适用具有积极意义。
[Abstract]:When the Civil procedure Law of our country was amended in 2007, the provisions on the application for retrial evidence and the procuratorate's protest evidence were refined, until 2012 when the Civil procedure Law was amended. On the basis of the changes in 2007, the application for retrial evidence and the procuratorate protest evidence were fine-tuned, so that the retrial evidence after the transformation of civil proceedings is bound to become a strong point in the civil retrial procedure. Since the retrial procedure is a kind of error correction procedure in our civil system, it is particularly important to grasp and apply the evidence in the retrial. Civil retrial evidence mainly involves new evidence and main evidence, for the new evidence theorists have been a lot of controversy. But the understanding and grasp of the main evidence is less. The main evidence is the basic evidence of the facts of the case in the original trial, compared with the new evidence. In legislation, the grasp of the main evidence and the clear definition of the standard of proof in judicial practice can not be clearly stated, and the further grasp of the main evidence and the new evidence will help to alleviate the heavy burden of the backlog of court retrial cases. Therefore, it is imperative to understand and grasp the structure of retrial main evidence and new evidence. This paper discusses the structure of retrial evidence in four parts: The first part, through the research of the basic theory of retrial evidence, understand the relationship between retrial evidence and the operation of retrial procedure, and then through the original trial evidence in relation to the legal relationship, legal regulation differences. Explain the constitution of retrial evidence in civil litigation in our country. The second part, draw lessons from the beneficial experience of foreign countries in the retrial evidence structure, through comparative analysis of civil law system and Anglo-American law system about the differences in the application of retrial evidence structure. In order to grasp the structure of civil retrial evidence in China lay the foundation. The third part summarizes the academic circles of civil litigation, civil litigation legislation and judicial interpretation of the composition of civil litigation retrial evidence in China's theoretical views and relevant provisions. It also points out the theoretical problems that need to be clarified and the contents to be grasped in the legislation of civil proceedings and the judicial interpretation in the aspect of the evidence structure of civil retrial. For the next part of our country's civil action retrial evidence grasp and use solid foundation. Part 4th is the core of this paper, which focuses on grasping and using the evidence of "main evidence" and "basic facts" in the operation of civil litigation retrial in our country. Civil retrial evidence should meet the standard of proof, because one of the parties to the new evidence caused by the civil retrial of the other party damage compensation procedures. Under the guidance of the concept of dynamic evidence view, the definition of "objective reasons" stipulated by the evidence that the civil parties cannot collect on their own for objective reasons is carried out in legislation. Grasp the specific factors that should be considered in defining the structure of civil retrial evidence, and promote the further study of the theory of retrial evidence structure with the judicial practice of civil litigation. It has positive significance to the application of the evidence structure of civil action retrial in our country in practice.


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