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发布时间:2018-02-03 04:26

  本文关键词: 证明妨碍行为 规制措施 证据收集 证明责任 出处:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In civil proceedings, proof of obstruction acts as a kind of dishonest, unjust behavior, it on the facts of the case. Both the litigant's right of action and the justice of the judge constitute a major threat. Whether from the theory of civil action or judicial practice, all countries are committed to setting up legal regulation measures to remove the obstacles to the litigation proof activities. In order to find that the case is true, relief the rights of the injured parties. This article starts with the current situation of proof of obstruction in our country, combined with the relevant provisions of the two major legal systems. Induces and compares the theory foundation, the regulation measure and the supporting system of the proof hindrance behavior regulation. The last part is to perfect the regulation of proof hindrance in our country. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part of the article is the analysis of the current situation of the regulation of proof hindrance in our country. From the existing provisions and the judicial situation in two aspects. First of all, the legislative provisions of our country have been combed; Secondly, using the research method of positivism, combined with the relevant cases, this paper analyzes and explains the regulation of proof obstruction in litigation practice. Finally, through the comparative analysis of legislation and judicature, the existing problems are summed up. The second part of the article analyzes the reasons of the regulation and proof of obstruction from the theoretical level. First, introduces the relevant theories of the two major legal systems; Secondly, it analyzes the theoretical basis of the regulatory obstruction behavior in China, mainly from the perspective of comparative law, analyzes the differences between the two legal systems and the reasons for their existence. Then determine the theoretical basis of the proof of obstruction in China. The third part of the article examines and analyzes the regulatory measures and supporting mechanisms of proof of obstruction. The same method of comparative study is used. First of all, the civil litigation of the two major legal systems of the provisions of regulatory measures and supporting mechanisms of proof obstruction, and then further summarized and analyzed the differences between the two ways. Finally, the article determines the path choice of the regulatory measures and supporting mechanisms of proof hindrance behavior in China. Part 4th is based on the existing problems at the present stage of our country. In order to improve the regulation of proof hindrance behavior in our country, we should adopt the train of thought of system itself and supporting system, on the one hand, make clear the scope of obstructing behavior, and combine the general provisions with the concrete legal effect. Enrich the specific regulatory measures; On the other hand, we should perfect the relevant supporting system, expand the method of collecting evidence, ensure the reciprocity of information, and defend against proof hindering behavior.


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