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发布时间:2018-02-04 00:39

  本文关键词: 激情犯罪 减轻责任 礼法兼治 量刑情节 出处:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:激情犯罪的界定在学术界一直并未给出明确统一的解释。多数派观点认为,所谓激情犯罪是指人在激情状态下发生的杀人、伤人、毁物等暴力性犯罪行为。激情是一种爆发性的、短暂的、比较猛烈的情绪状态如狂喜、振奋、愤怒、恐惧、绝望等,可分为积极和消极的两种。行为人在激情状态下对于“激情”的处理方式往往会选择最直接、最极端的暴力方式,故行为人造成的后果也是较为严重的,,但行为人在激情状态爆发时的控制力和辨认力相较其他类型的犯罪行为人,其反社会性较弱。而且在其实行完犯罪后,其情绪会趋于平静且陷入极度后悔状态。激情犯罪的社会危险性诚然是不容忽视的,但激情犯罪的成因却也是对激情犯罪进行评价的重要因素,激情犯罪的成因也影响对激情犯罪的定罪量刑。各国刑法都对激情犯罪持一种比较宽容的态度,在处罚上往往轻于同种罪质的一般故意犯罪。我国刑事立法与实践上也体现出相同的态度,但我国刑法对激情犯罪并未作出明文规定,立法缺失导致法官判案没有统一标准、法官自由裁量权过大等问题。由此可看出激情犯罪的定罪量刑问题我国是有立法价值的。 本文主要对激情犯罪量刑情节法定化问题进行研究讨论,借由实际案例出发,第一部分先讨论激情犯罪的概念以及激情犯罪的特点,继而分析激情犯罪应承担刑事责任程度以及激情犯罪应承担减轻责任的理论依据,关于激情犯罪行为人应承担减轻责任的依据,试从犯罪心理学理论、刑事责任理论以及互动关系与被害人过错理论对此进行说明。第二部分则对我国实践中对于激情犯罪的处置情况进行分析,由于我国对激情犯罪未给出明文规定,实践中易出现法官自由裁量权的滥用、法律适用缺乏统一的标准从而引发司法公正还有激情犯罪同其他犯罪的混淆。第三部分是通过激情犯罪域内外立法的分析以此作为对我国激情犯罪立法的借鉴,各国对激情犯罪情节法定化方式、激情犯罪情节适用范围等都有其特殊的规定,本文以美国、英国、德国为例,分析激情犯罪的域外立法。最后笔者将结合我国刑事立法现状,从激情犯罪法定化方式、激情犯罪情节适用范围以及激情因素的范围及激愤程度的判断标准对我国激情犯罪量刑情节法定化提出立法建议。
[Abstract]:The definition of passion crime has not been given a clear and unified explanation in academic circles. According to the majority view, the so-called passion crime refers to the killing and wounding of people in the state of passion. Violent crimes such as destruction. Passion is an explosive, transient, violent emotional state such as ecstasy, exhilaration, anger, fear, despair, etc. It can be divided into two kinds: positive and negative. The actors often choose the most direct and extreme ways to deal with "passion" in the state of passion, so the consequences caused by the perpetrator are more serious. However, the actors in the state of passion when the outbreak of control and recognition of the force of other types of perpetrators, its anti-social is weaker, and after its implementation of the crime. Its emotions tend to calm and fall into a state of extreme regret. The social danger of passion crime can not be ignored, but the cause of passion crime is also an important factor in the evaluation of passion crime. The cause of the crime of passion also affects the conviction and sentencing of the crime of passion. All countries have a more tolerant attitude to the crime of passion in criminal law. Our criminal legislation and practice also reflect the same attitude, but our criminal law does not make explicit provisions on passion crime. The lack of legislation leads to the lack of a unified standard for judges to adjudicate cases and the excessive discretion of judges. From this we can see that the conviction and sentencing of crimes of passion is of legislative value in our country. This article mainly studies and discusses the legalization of sentencing circumstances of passion crime. Based on actual cases, the first part discusses the concept of passion crime and the characteristics of passion crime. Then it analyzes the degree of criminal responsibility and the theoretical basis of reducing responsibility for the crime of passion. On the basis that the perpetrator of passion crime should bear the responsibility of lightening the responsibility, try from the theory of criminal psychology. The theory of criminal liability and the theory of interaction and victim fault explain this. The second part is the analysis of the disposition of passion crime in our practice. Because our country does not give the explicit stipulation to the passion crime, the judge discretion abuse is easy to appear in the practice. The lack of uniform standards in the application of the law leads to the confusion of judicial justice and passion crime with other crimes. The third part is the analysis of legislation inside and outside the field of passion crime as a reference to the legislation of passion crime in our country. Various countries have their own special provisions on the ways of legalizing the circumstances of passion crimes and the applicable scope of the circumstances of passion crimes. This article takes the United States, Britain and Germany as examples. Finally, the author will combine the present situation of our country's criminal legislation, from the passion crime legalization way. The scope of application of passion crime, the scope of passion factor and the judging standard of intensity of indignation put forward legislative suggestions on the legalization of sentencing circumstances of passion crime in our country.


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