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发布时间:2018-02-04 11:41

  本文关键词: 变更公诉 审判对象 诉因 公诉事实的同一性 出处:《法学研究》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:For the procuratorial organs to change the public prosecution, the criminal procedure law has not clearly stipulated, mainly through the judicial interpretation and other normative documents to be established. The procuratorial organs change public prosecution mainly exists in the similar charges, easy to be confused in cases. On the surface, the proportion is not large, but scattered in the vast majority of the trial links, and there is no legal restrictions on the number of times, the way of change is more casual, lack of necessary norms; The court is more active in changing the public prosecution, most of the decision to change the public prosecution is made by itself or recommended by the procuratorial organ; In the aspect of changing the object of public prosecution, the change of crime facts and charges is the most common; The content of changing public prosecution has a serious phenomenon of "getting rid of law", the legitimacy of procedure is also insufficient, and the defense interests of defendant lack of effective protection. In order to reform the system of public prosecution, we must cultivate the consciousness of limitation of changing public prosecution. Reconstructing the entity control mode of changing public prosecution and establishing the system of changing public prosecution on the basis of the structure of cause of action; Defining the procedural boundary of changing public prosecution will limit the change of public prosecution to the first instance judgment, perfect the checks and balances mechanism of the power of procuratorial law and perfect the protection mechanism of the defendant's rights.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 导论变更公诉是指刑事案件提起公诉后,法定的有权机关认为起诉书指控的被告人身份、犯罪事实、罪名或者法律适用有误从而加以改变的活动。我国刑事诉讼法并无变更公诉的明确规定。从司法解释和研究者对“变更公诉”一词的使用情况看,变更公诉有狭义和广义之分。狭义的变更公诉


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