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发布时间:2018-02-10 04:31

  本文关键词: 德国体育仲裁院 仲裁规则 体育仲裁 体育法 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:德国仲裁协会(Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit,以下简称DIS)于2008年设立了德国体育仲裁院(Das Deutsche Sportschiedsgericht),并制定了DIS德国体育仲裁规则(DIS-SportSchiedsOrdnung).德国体育仲裁院的设立源于DIS和德国反兴奋剂机构(National Anti-Doping Agentur,以下简称NADA)的共同倡议.该仲裁院处理使用兴奋剂,与体育活动相关的纠纷,转会纠纷,许可合同,赞助合同及协会纠纷. DIS体育仲裁规则对于兴奋剂案件的仲裁程序有特殊的规定. DIS设立的德国体育仲裁院推动了德国体育事业,尤其是德国体育仲裁的发展.从建立更加完善的中国体育仲裁制度的角度来看,对德国体育仲裁制度的研究无疑是十分有益的. 本文介绍了DIS德国体育仲裁规则的基本概况,以使国人对该规则能够有更全面的了解.德国体育仲裁院较之体育协会内部的仲裁庭可谓之一个”真正的”体育仲裁院,在组织上更加独立公正,在解决体育纠纷问题上也更加快速,成为了德国国内解决相关体育纠纷的权威仲裁机构.另外, DIS设立了对联合会裁决进行上诉的仲裁程序,德国体育仲裁院依据德国体育仲裁规则进行仲裁程序,本文对DIS体育仲裁规则的研究主要集中在仲裁协议的要求,仲裁员的选任,仲裁费用,临时措施,仲裁裁决及仲裁流程方面.其中仲裁员的选择和临时法律保护措施体现了德国体育仲裁制度的相对灵活性,专业性及全面性,仲裁裁决的保密性规定则保护了当事人的利益,特别是上诉程序的规定体现了德国体育仲裁制度的特殊之处,这些都是我们国家在建立中国体育仲裁制度时值得借鉴的. 然而,德国体育仲裁制度还是存在着不足之处.首先,纳入仲裁员名单的标准不清晰,没有建立出一套严格的体系来规范名单上仲裁员的入选标准;其次, DIS建立的德国体育仲裁院不够独立,机构运行方面过度依赖DIS,不能充分体现其独立性;再次是仲裁费用过高等.对于德国体育仲裁制度中出现的这一系列问题,中国需要吸取经验以制定一套更加完善的,符合本国国情的体育仲裁制度.本文最后探讨了在制定中国体育仲裁制度过程中可以借鉴德国体育仲裁机制的问题,为我国体育仲裁的发展提供了可行性研究方案.
[Abstract]:In 2008, Deutsche Institution f 眉 r Schiedsgerichtsbarkeitt (hereinafter referred to as DIS) established the German Sports Arbitration Institute, Das Deutsche Sportschiedsgerichtt, and formulated the German Sports Arbitration rules of DIS. The German Sports Arbitration Institute was established by DIS and the German Anti-Doping Agency National Anti-Doping Agentur. The Court of Arbitration deals with the use of stimulants, Disputes related to sports activities, transfer disputes, licensing contracts, Sponsorship contracts and Association disputes. The DIS sports arbitration rules have special provisions on arbitration procedures in doping cases. The German Sports Arbitration Institute set up by DIS has promoted German sports. From the point of view of establishing a more perfect Chinese sports arbitration system, the research on German sports arbitration system is undoubtedly very beneficial. This paper introduces the basic situation of DIS German sports arbitration rules, in order to make Chinese people have a more comprehensive understanding of the rules. The German sports arbitration court can be described as one of the "real" sports arbitration courts, compared with the arbitration tribunal within the sports association. More independent and impartial in organization and faster in resolving sports disputes, the DIS has become the authoritative arbitration body in Germany for resolving related sports disputes. In addition, DIS has established an arbitration procedure to appeal the ruling of the Federation. The German Sports Arbitration Institute carries on the arbitration procedure according to the German sports arbitration rules. The research on the DIS sports arbitration rules mainly focuses on the requirements of the arbitration agreement, the selection of the arbitrators, the arbitration costs, the interim measures. The selection of arbitrators and interim legal protection measures reflect the relative flexibility, professionalism and comprehensiveness of Germany's sports arbitration system, and the confidentiality provisions of arbitration awards protect the interests of the parties. In particular, the provisions of appeal procedure reflect the special features of German sports arbitration system, which are worthy of reference when our country establishes the Chinese sports arbitration system. However, the German sports arbitration system still has some shortcomings. Firstly, the criteria for inclusion in the list of arbitrators are not clear, and a strict system has not been established to regulate the selection criteria of the arbitrators on the list; Secondly, the German Sports Arbitration Institute established by DIS is not independent enough, and its independence can not be fully reflected because of the excessive reliance on it in the running of the institution. Again, the arbitration costs are too high. For the series of problems that appear in the German sports arbitration system, China needs to learn from the experience in order to establish a more perfect sports arbitration system in accordance with its own national conditions. Finally, this paper discusses the problems of drawing lessons from the German sports arbitration mechanism in the process of establishing the Chinese sports arbitration system. It provides a feasibility study scheme for the development of sports arbitration in China.


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