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发布时间:2018-02-11 18:47

  本文关键词: 公安机关 鉴定人员出庭 鉴定人意见 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As a result of the public security organs' work system of "self-investigation and self-evaluation", the opinions of appraisers issued by our country's public security organs have been criticized all the time. However, the appearance of expert witnesses in public security organs is also a matter of concern for the reform of the judicial system at this stage. According to the relevant laws and regulations of our country, the opinions of experts are regarded as a kind of form of evidence. The cross-examination of the expert's opinion is the legal process by which the judge examines and verifies his evidentiary capacity and power of proof. The appraiser answers the matters related to the expert opinion by attending the court hearing. To enable the prosecution and defence sides to question and state their opinions against the expert opinions provided by them, and the relevant personnel may also judge whether the experts' opinions can be adopted through observation, inquiry and analysis of relevant contents, so as to ensure court review. In recent years, our country has made great improvements in the legal system of authenticators appearing in court, but there are few related discussions on the problems faced by this special group of experts in public security organs. And the lack of empirical research. This article is related to the theory of judicial experts to elaborate, from the daily contact of the public security organ experts to work in court, The first part uses semantic analysis to explain the connotation of the basic theories of forensic expertise and forensic experts testifying in court. The second part uses theory. The method of analysis simply combs the background of forensic personnel appearing in court and the development course of relevant legal provisions. From 1979 to 1996, the Criminal procedure Law began to formulate relevant legal provisions for the appearance of appraisers in our country. In 2012, the amendment of the Criminal procedure Law perfected the provisions on the appearance of appellants. During the publication of a variety of relevant judicial interpretation of the basic content of experts in court, rules and regulations, etc. The third part emphasizes the value of forensic experts in court, such as to promote the transparency of the judicial system; It is an effective measure for appraisers to fulfill their legal obligations and to carry out cross-examination of appraisal opinions; it is also an effective measure to resolve contradictions and conflicts, The effective means of maintaining social stability. Part 4th describes the problems faced by the special group of authenticators in public security organs from their actual work experience: lack of neutrality, Part 5th analyzes the causes of the problems faced by public security organ appraisers in court, mainly including unreasonable setting of public security organ appraisal organization, relative shortage of personnel, and insufficient legal literacy. Lack of professional training in court knowledge. Part 6th proposes relevant improvements to the above issues, including changes in institutional settings, The introduction of judicial interpretation of relevant legal provisions and the strengthening of relevant professional training for authenticators in public security organs. The ideal judge's appearance in court is not accomplished overnight, but requires the expert to draw insufficient lessons and sum up experience in the course of continuous court attendance. There is still a long way to go in our country's public security judicial organ appraisal personnel's appearance in court system. During this period, there will be a variety of problems and many disputes will arise. This article only starts from some situations faced by individuals in their actual work. In view of a small part of the problems and personal opinions, it is expected that this paper can promote the development of the forensic personnel of public security organs in court.


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