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发布时间:2018-02-11 22:14

  本文关键词: 最高人民法院 司法政策 社会效果 法治 出处:《法学研究》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In the blueprint of the rule of law described by the Supreme people's Court, the pursuit of the social effect of adjudication is undoubtedly one of the most judicial policies with Chinese characteristics. "Social effect" is a concept put forward by the Supreme people's Court in the transition period of judicial function in early -20s. Its meaning changes with the change of public policy. The Supreme people's Court has created this flexible concept, which aims to construct a judicial referral mechanism for public policy. It is one of the functions of the Supreme people's Court to carry out the public policy of the Party and the State. However, 30 years of policy practice shows that, The policy expression of the Supreme Court and the practice method of the lower court should be standardized. The strict expression of the policy discourse can reduce misunderstandings, but it can not resolve the arbitrariness of the judgment method and the risk of the rule of law. We must adhere to the pattern of "body" and "use" of legal doctrine and policy resources in the judicial judgment in methodology, and ensure the policy balance and result judgment in the legal doctrine system.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;南京大学中德法学研究所;


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