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发布时间:2018-02-11 22:40

  本文关键词: 司法职业保障 法院 系统理论 组织 决策 出处:《政治与法律》2017年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The reform of judicial profession involves the adjustment of the organizational structure of the court. Organization is a kind of system that produces and forms the decision-making self-reference and absorbs the uncertainty in communication. The recursive evolution of decision premise and decision constitutes the double closure of the system and its paradox. The construction in the court organization relieves the paradox of the system, In order to ensure the profession of judges, it is necessary to combine the law of judicial activities with the logic of decision making, and to professionalize the knowledge of judges. The loyalty of the judge to the organization and the trial mode of the case are understood as the premise of making the correct judicial decision. The reform of judicial occupational security should not be based on the premise of denying the power structure of the court organization. On a basic basis. Again, As a matter of organizational decision-making, judicial occupational security can not only be realized by reforming the working environment of judges, but also the role of lawyers in the administration of justice. The "premise" factors related to judicial decision-making, such as comprehensive deepening of reform and the leadership of the Party, are included in the scope of investigation. The basic cognition that should be established for specific judicial activities is:. Adherence to the rule of law does not mean rejecting social feelings and the legal cognition of ordinary people through legal jargon.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学法学院;


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