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发布时间:2018-02-14 10:16

  本文关键词: 刑事错案责任追究 刑事错案 司法改革 司法公正 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years a large number of miscarriages of justice exposure, aroused the public attention to the misjudged case and misjudged case responsibility issues. With the vocative case, and then to the recent case of Nie Shubin and a large number of correct miscarriages of justice Chen full case, fully reflects our country's pursuit of the realization of judicial justice and the concept of justice for the people. But the occurrence of miscarriages of justice always let justice into disrepute, also to the judicial organs to bring a profound lesson. By the referee the entry into force of the Criminal Misjudged Cases, not only to the parties in the case of the legitimate rights and interests of harm, but also to the judicial authority and judicial credibility has been seriously affected. In the current our country advocate the rule of law, in accordance with the constitution the concept of the rule of law, the construction of socialist legal road to judicial organs to pursue justice as the goal. At the party's eighteen session of third, Fourth plenary session are emphasized to establish. The case of the accountability system, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, to prevent injustice wrong case. The system of investigating the responsibility of criminal cases are internal justice system a unique system, is in the process of deepening of the judicial reform in order to strengthen the judicial supervision personnel handling duty behavior and make the ultimate goal. The establishment of the system is not only in order to guarantee the judicial organ law enforcement personnel, improve work quality and work efficiency, but also to prevent judicial corruption and safeguard judicial justice. But in the miscarriages of justice in the judicial organs, often in the name of the law, to make a guilty verdict on the parties to bring the victim irreparable damage. After the miscarriages of justice in judicial redress no organ of Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility to the public, let the victim more satisfactory results. Therefore, our judicial organs should take warning, good reflection Behind the miscarriages of justice and consideration of the existence of judicial problems. It is based on these problems, think about how to improve the judicial system to ensure the independence of the judiciary and judicial organs should, truly protect the legitimate rights and interests of parties to punish the real criminals. Therefore, perfecting the Criminal Misjudged accountability system, has our country has become an important task of judicial reform. This paper consists of five parts, the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of this paper, the status quo at home and abroad, research methods and innovation. The second part is an overview, this part of the concept first on the concept of Criminal Misjudged Case and criminal responsibility for misjudged cases were defined, clear the Criminal Misjudged Cases and misjudged cases bear responsibility for the situation, summed up the connotation of accountability system of Criminal Misjudged Cases, followed by the introduction of Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility The characteristics of the accountability system and the process of historical development. Through the method of historical research on China's Criminal Misjudged accountability system of the history of the development process are described, let us recognize the profound historical background and development of the deep system, laid the foundation for perfecting the Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility system. The third part is the problem, is the main part of the important issues on the four aspects of the accountability system of Criminal Misjudged Cases now exist are introduced, the first problem is mainly the analysis of the existing laws and regulations of the system is not perfect, such as lack of specific laws and regulations and supporting the unification of legal problems; the second problem is mainly the analysis of responsibility of the Criminal Misjudged Cases. The problems, including the identification standard of Criminal Misjudged Case is not unified and the Criminal Misjudged Case is difficult to determine the main responsibility; third main problems of the criminal case. There are accountable procedural issues, mainly reflected in the responsibility to start the main single, accountable institutions setunreasonable, accountable range and accountable procedures transparent; the last is existing in the relief mechanism of judicial personnel on the problem. Because the system has many problems in the judicial practice operation, only need to our judicial organs to reflect on how to improve and build a scientific and rational misjudgments accountability system, to better ensure judicial impartiality and independence. The fourth part is perfect, this part mainly introduces how to perfect our country's Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility system is put forward according to the problems in the third part to perfect, but also a key in this paper. First of all we need to develop a unified law that the Criminal Misjudged Cases "law" and perfect related laws and regulations such as the formulation of "evidence law", as the Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility Provide a legal basis for the unity of science; secondly in the responsibility of the Criminal Misjudged Cases on the issue, to that standard, to unify the misjudged cases from two aspects judicial behavior itself and the investigators also need through the main responsibility to formulate a unified identification mechanism and identification of legal norms, to clear the main responsibility of misjudged cases according to the specific duties of public security three organ investigators; finally, according to the problems of accountability procedures, the judiciary needs by expanding the scope of misjudged case to start the main responsibility, the establishment of specialized institutions held accountable, limited cases range and achieve accountable procedures transparent, such as the establishment of the hearing system to review several aspects to ensure the Criminal Misjudged Case responsibility the program smoothly. In such an emphasis on the concept of the rule of law era, the judiciary was very important in the construction of the rule of law society. Therefore, our judicial organs should adapt to the trend of judicial reform, the establishment of scientific and perfect the Criminal Misjudged accountability system, to safeguard China's judicial justice and improve the quality of handling the case handling personnel, look forward to the rule of law and justice become the starting point and end point of each case.





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