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发布时间:2018-02-15 00:28

  本文关键词: 死刑案件 审级制度 死刑复核 三审终审 出处:《广西民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The death penalty is the most severe type of punishment against the criminal, which is not recoverable. However, because of the reasons of all parties, our country can not abolish the death penalty at the present stage, so, In the aspect of legislation, the design of the trial level system of death penalty cases is very high. In the criminal procedure, the death penalty review procedure is a unique special procedure, which is the exception of the final appeal system of the second instance in our country. However, the operation of the program has become a mere formality in practice, which makes its expected function impossible to realize. In the international context of abolishing the death penalty and strictly controlling the death penalty, The proper plan of our country to deal with the death penalty is to guarantee the legitimacy of the death penalty judgment with due process of death penalty, in order to ensure the strict application of the death penalty, that is, to reform the current trial level system, and to change the death penalty case from the second instance to the third instance. To replace the death penalty review procedure with the third instance ordinary trial. In this way, the litigation and judicial functions of each main body of litigation and the judicial subject can be reasonably allocated, and the responsibilities of each trial organization and trial link can be strengthened within the trial level. Furthermore, it introduces the restriction and supervision of the defense function and the procuratorial function on the operation of the death penalty procedure, and transforms the death penalty review procedure into an independent trial procedure. So as to ensure the realization of sentencing justice through procedural justice. The paper is divided into four parts, in-depth study of the death penalty trial system. The first chapter gives a basic overview of the trial system of the case, clarifies the concept and value of the trial level system. Type, function, and the trial level system in representative countries. Chapter two, combined with the current criminal legislation in our country, reveals the various problems existing in the current system of trial of death penalty cases. The third chapter focuses on the necessity of reconstructing the trial level system of death penalty cases. Chapter 4th puts forward the way out of the reform of the death penalty trial level system in our country. That is, by establishing the third instance final appeal system to overcome the problems existing in the death penalty review procedure, to gradually improve the quality of the handling of death penalty cases in China, and put forward concrete suggestions for setting up the third instance procedure.


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