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发布时间:2018-02-16 00:10

  本文关键词: 被害人 复仇 权利谱系 出处:《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Along with the development of history and the progress of human beings, the rights of victims are gradually discovered, revealed, endowed, and thus have historical inheritance. The victims' rights of the early civil society are reflected in their natural nature as private revenge, until the emergence of the country. After the public power intervened in the two disputes in a positive manner, the torture guaranteed by state violence became a substitute for the institutionalization of private revenge. The institutionalization of torture included abuse of public power and violation of human rights, and so on. This led to a strong criticism in the age of ideological enlightenment, which was manifested in the field of criminal law, that is, the trend of thought of humanitarianism of punishment. When the criminal humanitarianism based on the rights of the accused prevailed in judicial practice, The victim's right based on revenge has been lost, and the victim has been in a state of aphasia for a long time. The modern judicial civilization should not ignore the rights of any party, Without prejudice to judicial authority, we should ensure that the demands of any party are expressed smoothly and receive due respect and response. At the level of victims, we should take the right of expression of the victims as the core to reconstruct their right system.
【作者单位】: 河南师范大学法学院;


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