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发布时间:2018-02-16 17:34

  本文关键词: DNA鉴定证据 鉴定意见 鉴定人出庭作证 专家辅助人 出处:《山东政法学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:DNA identification, also known as forensic DNA typing, is a new technique that emerged in 1980s. It is used in the discovery and identification of criminal suspects and the identification of unknown bodies. In reality, the production of DNA identification opinions depends on the experimental operation of forensic medical examiners, and there are certain loopholes and blind spots in the operation of human intervention, such as the contamination of materials and the pollution of the laboratory. The failure of the forensic medical examiner's own operation, and so on, can result in inaccurate or even quite different conclusions from the actual situation. The misinterpretation of DNA identification evidence by the court will also bring a devastating blow. This paper starts with the concept and characteristics of DNA expert evidence, and points out the limitations of DNA identification evidence error and the court interpretation error of DNA expert evidence. Based on the analysis and reference of foreign experience, two suggestions are put forward to perfect the expert witness system and the expert assistant system, and to perfect the rules of judicial proof, which are represented by the system of discovery of evidence. In order to ensure that the evidence of DNA identification can play its due role and guarantee the realization of fairness and justice, the paper is divided into four parts except the introduction and conclusion. The first part is the summary of DNA identification. Firstly, the concept of DNA identification is defined. Through summing up and analyzing the views of domestic scholars, the author puts forward the author's view on the concept of DNA identification, and analyzes the characteristics of DNA identification evidence. Secondly, This paper analyzes the value of DNA identification, points out the value of DNA identification in ensuring fairness and justice and improving judicial efficiency. The second part is the present situation of the application of DNA identification evidence in criminal proceedings. This part is discussed from three aspects: first, This paper analyzes the present situation of the application of DNA identification evidence in foreign criminal proceedings, including the application of DNA identification evidence in two countries, the United States and Germany. Secondly, it is the present situation of the application of DNA identification evidence in criminal proceedings in our country. Including the current situation of the application of DNA identification evidence in criminal charges and the application of cross-examination of DNA identification evidence by the defense, as well as the application of DNA identification evidence in the correction of wrong cases. The third part is the enlightenment of the application of foreign DNA criminal identification evidence to our country. The third part is the dilemma that the DNA identification evidence faces in the application. There are three predicaments faced by the DNA identification evidence, one is the dilemma of the DNA identification experiment, the other is the difficulty of the DNA identification experiment. It is mainly caused by the high sensitivity of DNA information, the omission of the acquisition and preservation of the examination body, the influence of forensic human factors and the contamination of the laboratory, and the misinterpretation of the DNA identification evidence by the court. In this part, the author introduces the prosecutor's fallacy and misunderstandings brought about by expectation, and analyzes the three-level propositional theory. The third is the limitation brought about by the classification of DNA identification evidence. Part 4th is the application regulation of DNA identification evidence in criminal proceedings. From the standard management of DNA identification and the perfection of legal norms, this paper puts forward some suggestions. From the experimental level, it regulates the evidence of DNA identification. Including the standard management of forensic medicine and the standard management of laboratory. The standard management of DNA identification experiment is helpful to improve the accuracy and scientificalness of the opinion of DNA identification, and to give play to its important role in the criminal procedure. This paper puts forward the system of expert assistant and the perfect way of expert testifying in court. In the aspect of proof rules, it puts forward the establishment of special rules for the discovery of DNA identification evidence, and the rules for cross-examination of DNA identification evidence by the defense. The rule of illegal evidence exclusion for DNA identification evidence is established. Finally, referring to the "innocent person Project" in the United States, the establishment of DNA detection system after conviction is put forward.


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