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发布时间:2018-02-21 21:37

  本文关键词: 自诉 实证 调查 实验 调解 撤诉 和解 出处:《辽宁大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In modern society, the private prosecution system of all countries presents a kind of weak trend, this decline has been an indisputable fact, at the same time, because some characteristics of private prosecution can not be completely replaced by public prosecution. Therefore, the private prosecution system has been irreplaceable for quite a long period of time, at least not yet to find a suitable way of docking public prosecution, as a need to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victims. The main body of the exercise of the right of private prosecution is the victim, and they have the right to pursue the punishment of the perpetrator because of the violation of others, resulting in many aspects of physical and psychological victimization. Public prosecution emphasizes the protection of the whole interests and private prosecution emphasizes the individual justice of individual rights and interests. At the same time, as a supplement to the public prosecution right and the public prosecution system, its supervision and restriction function is prominent. The prosecutor, as the representative of the State for prosecution of crimes, has no interest in the case itself and may, for some reason or other, be reluctant to exercise the relevant powers, and because of its different status, The procurator pays more attention to the interests of the group and the society, and pays less attention to the individual party. Therefore, it is of great significance to give more self-relief to the victim to realize the justice of justice. In addition, the right of public prosecution is a kind of bureaucratic right. It is possible that mechanically rigid formalism will inevitably occur in the course of exercise, supplemented by the private prosecution system, which can respond flexibly to the complex and changeable objective situation. However, we must also see that the present system of private prosecution still needs to be improved. In order to realize the task of protecting citizens' rights fully, we still need the reform of legislation and practice. This paper attempts to reflect the characteristics of the private prosecution system in practice through a series of empirical data, and through these data, we want to reflect the situation. To explore how to reform the system at the legislative level so that the system can better play its due effectiveness, through the criminal private prosecution cases, the types of criminal private prosecution cases, the way to close the case, the circumstances of the case, the case of private prosecution, The trial situation of private prosecution cases includes trial limit, trial method and so on, and the analysis of multi-data, in order to truly restore the overall operating appearance of the criminal private prosecution system, and find the difference between the value orientation advocated by the establishment of the private prosecution system and the actual operation. And then perfect the criminal private prosecution system. Limited by space and research ability, the author only put forward a few legislative suggestions related to the investigated data. Including the relaxation of filing standards and the mechanism of public power assistance for the weak ability of proof of private prosecution. In view of the third type of private prosecution cases rarely applied in practice, it is suggested that legislation should be applied to cancel the third category of private prosecution cases. In view of the longer trial limit of private prosecution cases in practice, it is hoped that through the author's hard work, the author will be able to make a contribution to the trial of private prosecution cases by further stipulating their own unique limits of adjudication. Let the private prosecution system, which has historical appeal, play the role of protecting the civil rights more fully in the operation.


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