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发布时间:2018-02-22 15:33

  本文关键词: 电子证据 收集 证明过程 立法建议 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:如今科技发展日新月异,发展速度更是超乎想象。伴随而来的是电子证据在司法实践中的进一步发展受阻,立法明显跟不上实践前进的步伐,也无法满足当事人的需要。相比较而言,我国关于电子证据的立法落后于西方国家,尽管近些年来各界学者和立法者做了不少努力,但总的来说,还不够详尽完善,存在诸多看法不一的地方。在我国,对于电子证据的存在着内涵认识不一的情况;在当事人及其律师收集固定电子证据方面,法律条文缺乏实际性的指引作用;举证、质证环节以及认证规则方面还存在着诸多的不完善的地方。为了解决这些问题,笔者比较分析了国外相关规定,结合我国立法和司法现状,对电子证据相关立法提出建议,并对电子证据在司法实践中遇到的问题进行分析,以期对我国电子证据进一步研究有所贡献。 文章分为四个部分: 第一部分是电子证据概述,涉及的是电子证据的相关基础性问题。主要介绍了电子证据的概念、特征及常见的关于电子证据的分类,并且在此基础上,结合新《民事诉讼法》对法定证据类型的规定,针对目前可能存在的关于电子证据与视听资料界定不清问题进行探讨,提出应重新界定视听资料内涵的这一观点。 第二部分是我国民事诉讼法视野下电子证据的收集与保全研究。主要分为两个部分:首先是电子证据的收集,对收集的一般性原则和具体操作方法两个方面进行了全面的阐述,随后指出了目前在我国电子证据收集过程中应注意的两个问题,即隐私权保护和电子证据收集范围问题;其次是电子证据的保全,它属于收集的继续,笔者主要对目前运用较广的电子证据的公证保全作了详细论述。 第三部分是根据电子证据在证明过程中所必经的环节进行分析。首先是电子证据的举证,在电子证据的举证方面,对与电子证据举证密切相关的两个问题,即电子证据的“原件”与“复印件”认定和举证责任分担进行了分析:其次在电子证据质证方面,针对电子证据存在的高科技性、无形性等特点,为确保质证环节的顺利进行,笔者提出了“专家辅助人制度”和多媒体示证的建议;最后分析电子证据认证的内容。 第四部分是关于电子证据相关立法研究,这是全文的落脚点和最终要解决的问题。首先是对电子证据的域外立法例考察,主要是对英美法系和大陆法系主要国家从宏观和微观的角度进行比较研究,对下文中我国立法模式的选择起到了参考作用。其后在总结我国现行电子证据相关立法现状的基础上,指出电子证据规范的不足,并在此基础上,对我国的电子证据立法提出建议,这也是本文的写作目的所在。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the speed of development is beyond imagination. With this, the further development of electronic evidence in judicial practice has been blocked, and the legislation has obviously failed to keep up with the pace of the progress of practice. By comparison, our legislation on electronic evidence lags behind that of western countries. Although scholars and legislators from all walks of life have made a lot of efforts in recent years, on the whole, it is not complete enough. There are many different views. In our country, the existence of electronic evidence has different connotations; in the collection of fixed electronic evidence by the parties and their lawyers, the legal provisions lack of practical guidance; There are still many imperfections in cross-examination and authentication rules. In order to solve these problems, the author compares and analyzes the relevant provisions of foreign countries, and puts forward some suggestions on legislation related to electronic evidence combined with the current situation of legislation and judicature in our country. The problems of electronic evidence in judicial practice are analyzed in order to contribute to the further study of electronic evidence in China. The article is divided into four parts:. The first part is an overview of electronic evidence, which involves the basic issues related to electronic evidence. It mainly introduces the concept, characteristics and classification of electronic evidence, and on this basis, Combined with the provisions of the new Civil procedure Law on the types of legal evidence, this paper probes into the existing problems of unclear definition of electronic evidence and audio-visual materials, and puts forward the view that the connotation of audio-visual materials should be redefined. The second part is the research on the collection and preservation of electronic evidence in the field of civil procedure law of our country. It is mainly divided into two parts: first, the collection of electronic evidence, The general principles and concrete operation methods of collection are expounded comprehensively, and then two problems that should be paid attention to in the process of collecting electronic evidence in our country are pointed out, that is, the protection of privacy and the scope of electronic evidence collection. Secondly, the preservation of electronic evidence, which is the continuation of collection, is discussed in detail. The third part is according to the electronic evidence in the proof process essential link carries on the analysis. First, is the electronic evidence proof, in the electronic evidence proof aspect, is closely related to the electronic evidence proof two questions, That is, the "original" and "photocopy" of electronic evidence are identified and the burden of proof is shared. Secondly, in the aspect of electronic evidence cross-examination, aiming at the characteristics of high technology and intangibility of electronic evidence, in order to ensure the smooth progress of cross-examination, The author puts forward the suggestion of "expert Auxiliary system" and multimedia proof, and finally analyzes the content of electronic evidence authentication. The 4th part is about the electronic evidence related legislation research, this is the full text's foothold and the question which must solve finally. First, is to the electronic evidence extraterritorial legislation example inspection, This is mainly a comparative study of the major countries in the common law system and the civil law system from the macro and micro perspectives. Then, on the basis of summing up the current legislation situation of electronic evidence in our country, pointing out the deficiency of electronic evidence standard, and on this basis, It is also the purpose of this paper to put forward suggestions on the legislation of electronic evidence in our country.


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