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发布时间:2018-02-23 04:41

  本文关键词: 人民法院 绩效考核 指标体系 完善 出处:《贵州民族大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In order to carry out the reform spirit since the third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee in an all-round way today, the people's courts are carrying out various reforms in an orderly manner to deepen the management of court performance appraisal. The purpose of this paper is to strengthen and innovate the judicial management mechanism and improve the scientific nature of the assessment management. Therefore, this paper focuses on exploring and constructing a set of performance appraisal index system which is perfect and in accordance with the law of judicial operation. To ensure that the evaluation index system conforms to the law of trial execution management, to jump out of the disadvantages of the previous performance appraisal models, such as weight, formalization, administration, etc., and then to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the front-line trial and execution staff. Some courts in developed regions such as Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu have a set of performance appraisal index system that meets their own needs, which provides beneficial experience and reference for the reform of court evaluation management in the western region. The author investigates the operation of the performance test index system of the H District people's Court in G City, summarizes the problems existing in its operation, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the performance evaluation index system of the H District people's Court. The structure of this paper is composed of five parts. The first part is the introduction of the research background and research methods; the second part is the introduction of the sample H District people's Court investigation; the third part is the collation and analysis of the data and data obtained from the investigation. Part 4th introduces the problems existing in the performance appraisal index system of the H District people's Court, and part 5th puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the performance appraisal index system of the H District people's Court.


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