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发布时间:2018-02-23 05:26

  本文关键词: 毒品犯罪 控制下交付 立法 程序 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:毒品犯罪是人类社会的毒瘤,一个个生动的例子充分说明,毒品犯罪的危害性是巨大的。首先毒品严重危害吸毒者的身体健康,导致吸毒者家破人亡,还容易诱发各种犯罪,严重破坏社会秩序,危害人类的共同利益。现阶段打击毒品犯罪已经成为各国的共识,而且国际合作日益加强。毒品犯罪具有高度的隐蔽性,加之现代科技的发展,许多毒品犯罪分子所运用的设备和技术更加先进,每个国家对毒品犯罪给于严厉的处罚,所以说毒品犯罪的法律风险及其巨大。各种因素叠加是犯罪分子无所不用其极的创新犯罪方式、方法。这样就导致常规的侦查手段在对毒品犯罪收效甚微。在长期同毒品犯罪分子斗争的过程中,侦查机关为顺应这一情况,适用控制下交付这种手段。大量实践证明,控制下交付能够有效的打击毒品犯罪。 本文首先对控制下交付的相关理论进行了阐述,主要包括控制下交付的含义、类型、实施控制下交付的意义及特征。其次从法理上对控制下交付进行论述,主要阐述了其合法性、合理性的理论基础。再次对美国、德国、日本的毒品犯罪控制下交付的实践进行分析,通过分析可以明确国外的先进做法,为提升我国的控制下交付的适用水平提供借鉴。之后对我国毒品犯罪控制下交付所存在的问题进行分析,主要包括立法、程序等方面的问题。最后针对所存在的问题提出应对之策。
[Abstract]:Drug crime is a cancer of human society. Vivid examples show that the harm of drug crimes is enormous. First of all, drugs seriously endanger the health of drug addicts, leading to the destruction of their families, and it is easy to induce all kinds of crimes. Seriously disrupting social order and endangering the common interests of mankind. At this stage, cracking down on drug crimes has become the consensus of all countries, and international cooperation is increasingly strengthened. Drug crimes have a high degree of concealment, coupled with the development of modern science and technology. Many drug criminals use more advanced equipment and techniques, and each country is severely penalized for drug crimes. Therefore, the legal risks of drug crimes are enormous. The superposition of various factors is the innovative ways in which criminals have nothing to do with them. Methods. This results in routine investigative techniques having little effect on drug crimes. In the long struggle against drug criminals, the investigative authorities, in order to comply with this situation, apply and deliver the means under control. A great deal of practice has proved that, Controlled delivery can effectively combat drug crime. In this paper, the related theory of controlled delivery is first expounded, including the meaning, type, significance and characteristics of controlled delivery. It mainly expounds the theoretical basis of its legitimacy and rationality. Once again, it analyzes the practice of drug crime control delivery in the United States, Germany and Japan. Through the analysis, it can make clear the advanced practices of foreign countries. In order to improve the applicable level of controlled delivery in our country, the author analyzes the problems existing in the delivery under the control of drug crimes in China, including legislation, Procedure and other aspects of the problem. Finally, to solve the problems.


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