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发布时间:2018-02-23 17:35

  本文关键词: 民事抗诉 法律监督 制度构造 诉讼结构 出处:《浙江学刊》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The litigation structure of civil protest supervision involves the evaluation of the rationality of civil protest system, which is worthy of further study, such as "quadrilateral structure theory", "triple pyramid structure theory" and "prism structure theory" and so on. In fact, the procuratorial supervision of civil trials belongs to a general meaning, and through the civil protest system, the overall expression and function are realized. The analysis of the supervision structure of civil protest should be directed directly towards the whole of the civil protest system, without presupposing the "supervision line" between the so-called procuratorial laws. The whole civil protest system belongs to the fifth order structure. The first four stages belong to the procuratorial stage, which is the equal opposition between the party applying for protest and the party being applied for. The isosceles triangle relationship structure examined by the procuratorial organs in the center. The 5th order belongs to the trial stage. It is the isosceles triangle relationship structure of the two parties and the court in the center. The procedural role of the procuratorial organ in the trial stage is formal rather than substantive. In short, the litigation structure of civil protest supervision is a "double isosceles triangle" structure, which accords with the prototype of the litigation structure and also has the standard of fairness.
【作者单位】: 浙江省社会科学院法学所;


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