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发布时间:2018-02-24 09:38

  本文关键词: 管辖权 地域管辖 管辖争议 毒品案件 出处:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前,我国毒品犯罪处于持续活跃阶段,毒品的社会危害性不断加大。为保持高压态势,我国在毒品犯罪管辖权方面有专门规定,但随着毒品违法犯罪的不断变化发展,原有管辖权规定已难以适应当前毒品犯罪侦查的需要,本文对毒品案件管辖制度进行研究并提出意见,以解决司法实践中毒品案件管辖争议,提高对毒品犯罪的打击效能。 本文共分为四部分,第一部分内容为毒品案件管辖制度现状。主要介绍我国现有毒品案件管辖权制度的基本情况,包括司法实践中确定毒品案件管辖的一般管辖原则,我国司法制度中关于毒品案件的一些特殊管辖规定,毒品案件管辖制度在司法实践中的执行现状等。 第二部分内容为现行毒品案件管辖制度在司法实践中存在的问题分析。本部分内容结合毒品案件司法实践,着重就毒品案件管辖中存在的一些突出问题进行阐述和分析,包含地域管辖基本原则在毒品案件中的适用,隐匿侦查和控制下交付毒品案件管辖权如何确定,关联毒品案件的认定和管辖权确定,毒品案件指定管辖等问题的基本原则,法律依据,以及侦查、检察、审判机关认识分歧和司法实践中存在的争议进行分析。 第三部分内容为完善毒品案件管辖权制度的必要性和可行性,简述当前毒品犯罪的严峻形势和加强毒品犯罪打击的重要性,分析现有管辖权制度对毒品犯罪司法实践产生的不良影响,对国际法及我国禁毒立法中关于毒品案件管辖的相关规定及其立法精神进行深入研究分析,并就部分地区在完善毒品犯罪管辖制度中创新采取的一些措施和经验进行梳理总结,并以此证明完善毒品案件管辖制度的必要性和可行性。 第四部分内容为毒品案件管辖制度的构建及完善。笔者认为毒品案件的管辖权制度应当以有利于毒品犯罪侦查,有利于打击毒品犯罪为最基本的原则。由此,可以对关于案件管辖的相关法律原则和规定进行适当的扩大解释。笔者从宏观的刑事管辖权制度和具体的毒品案件管辖的具体立法操作两个层面,对构建和完善毒品案件管辖制度进行了设计,解决司法实践中现有毒品案件管辖制度对于案件侦办的不利影响。
[Abstract]:At present, China's drug crime in the continued active stage, the social harmfulness of drugs is increasing. To maintain a high pressure situation, our country has special provisions of jurisdiction in drug-related crimes, but with the continuous change of drug-related crimes, the original jurisdiction has been difficult to adapt to the needs of the drug crime investigation, this article conducts the research and put forward opinions on the jurisdiction system of drug cases, the judicial practice to solve the dispute case jurisdiction of poisoning, improve the combat effectiveness of drug crimes.
This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is the jurisdiction system status of drug cases. Mainly introduces the basic situation of power system in China under the jurisdiction of the existing drug cases, drug cases under the jurisdiction of the general jurisdiction including the judicial practice, some special provisions on the jurisdiction of drug-related cases in China's judicial system, jurisdiction system in drug cases in the judicial practice of the status of implementation.
The second part is the analysis of the current system of drug cases under the jurisdiction of the problems in judicial practice. This part combined with the drug cases in judicial practice, focusing on the problems of drug cases in the jurisdiction are described and analyzed, including the basic principle of territorial jurisdiction applicable in drug cases, hidden investigation and controlled delivery of drug cases to to determine the jurisdiction, the identification of relevant drug cases and jurisdiction, the basic principle, the problem of drug cases such as the designation of jurisdiction and the legal basis for investigation, prosecution, judicial cognition analysis of differences and judicial practice in the dispute.
The necessity and feasibility of the third part is the perfect drug case jurisdiction system, the importance of the grim situation of current drug crimes and strengthen drug crimes against the analysis of adverse effects of the existing jurisdiction system of drug crime, the international law and China's anti drug legislation on the relevant provisions of the legislation and jurisdiction of drug cases the spirit of in-depth research and analysis, summarize the experience and take some measures and innovation in parts of perfect drug crime jurisdiction system, and prove the feasibility and necessity of improving drug case jurisdiction system.
The fourth part is the construction and perfection of drug case jurisdiction system. The author believes that we should the jurisdiction of drug cases for investigation of drug crime, is conducive to the fight against drug crime is the most basic principle. Thus, can on the relevant legal principles and provisions of jurisdiction appropriately expand from the macroscopic criminal interpretation. Under the jurisdiction of the specific legislative jurisdiction system and the specific operation of drug cases in two aspects, to construct and perfect the design of drug cases under the jurisdiction of the system, to solve the adverse effects of the existing drug cases under the jurisdiction of the judicial practice of the system in the investigation of the case.



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