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发布时间:2018-02-24 19:20

  本文关键词: 民事恶意诉讼 识别 证据 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民事恶意诉讼是一种在诉讼中损害国家、集体和个人利益的行为。近年来有愈演愈烈的趋势,这种行为扰乱了正常的司法秩序,把正当合法的诉讼行为当做侵害他人利益的工具。民事恶意诉讼现象的猖獗和危害性应该引起我们的重视,我国现行法律却无法对其进行有力的规避,这样便无法保护受害人的合法权益,与法治社会的要求背道而驰。具体的规制办法无法指定出来很大的原因是民事恶意诉讼行为在实践中很难去识别,这类行为的隐蔽性极强。这就要求司法工作者们在正常的司法活动中利用各种各样的办法去将它识别出来,这也是本篇论文创造的目的。 民事恶意诉讼是指当事人利用诉讼损害国家、集体或个人的合法利益,并为自己谋取不正当利益的诉讼行为。它的成因是多方面的,,包括过度追求利益最大化、诉讼的负面效应、法律制度的漏洞,通过对成因的分析,对这一行为做一个本质的探究。我国现行法律对民事恶意诉讼的规制办法,主要是从立案前、庭审中、结案时三个时间段概括的,这三个时间段基本可以囊括民事恶意诉讼出现的所有时刻,通过介绍这些规制办法,思考出我国现行的法律是如何识别出民事恶意诉讼行为的,进而在之后两章对识别方式做进一步的推敲。民事恶意诉讼识别的基础,通过民事恶意诉讼的主体、民事恶意诉讼的特点,民事恶意诉讼的识别标准三个方面为其在诉讼过程中的识别问题打好基础,这也是对这一行为进一步的剖析,为识别对策扫清技术上的难题。民事恶意诉讼行为识别的难点与对策,这两方面是相辅相成的,介绍难点,跨过难点,之后便是一片海阔天空,制定出识别对策,这些对策根据民事恶意诉讼表现出的不同类型进行分类识别。
[Abstract]:Civil malicious litigation is an act that damages the interests of the state, collectives and individuals in litigation. In recent years, there has been a growing tendency for this kind of behavior to disturb the normal judicial order. We should pay attention to the rampant and harmful phenomenon of civil malice litigation, but the current law of our country can not evade it. In this way, the legitimate rights and interests of the victims cannot be protected, which runs counter to the requirements of a society governed by law. The major reason why specific regulatory measures cannot be specified is that civil malicious litigation acts are difficult to identify in practice. The hidden nature of this kind of behavior is very strong, which requires judicial workers to use various methods to identify it in normal judicial activities, which is also the purpose of this paper. The civil malicious lawsuit refers to the litigant who uses the lawsuit to damage the legitimate interests of the state, collective or individual, and to seek improper interests for himself. The causes of the action are various, including excessive pursuit of the maximization of interests. The negative effect of litigation, the loophole of legal system, through the analysis of the cause of formation, make an essential inquiry into this behavior. The conclusion of the case can be summarized in three time periods, these three time periods can basically include all the time of the emergence of civil malicious litigation, through the introduction of these regulatory measures, thinking out how the current law of our country is to identify civil malicious litigation acts, Then, in the next two chapters, the identification method is further examined. The basis of the identification of civil malicious litigation, through the main body of civil malicious litigation, the characteristics of civil malicious litigation, The three aspects of the identification standard of civil malicious litigation lay a good foundation for its identification in the process of litigation, which is also a further analysis of this behavior. In order to identify the countermeasures to clear the technical difficulties. The difficulties and countermeasures of the identification of civil malicious actions, these two aspects are complementary, introduce the difficulties, step over the difficulties, and then is a broad sky, to formulate the identification countermeasures, These countermeasures are classified and identified according to different types of civil malicious litigation.


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