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发布时间:2018-02-25 07:42

  本文关键词: 检察机关 执行力 评价体系 出处:《西安科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近些年来,,随着依法治国战略的逐步实施,针对检察机关的执行力研究正在不断深入,检察机关执行力建设正在不断完善。 在我国现今执行力理论研究状况中,我国大多数学者仍然将研究精力关注于执行力理论对于企业和行政机关的重要性以及如何提升有效执行力的方法和手段等研究当中,对执行力评价体系研究较少,以检察机关为研究对象的执行力评价体系更是非常缺乏。本文认为要有效提升检察机关执行力,对检察机关执行力进行综合性的评价研究是一个很重要关键的点。 本文通过执行力在公共管理领域的共性研究,对检察机关执行力的概念进行了界定,着重阐述了检察机关执行力的现状和生成结构,并结合理论和实际建立检察机关执行力的四级评价体系。然后以济南市检察院为评价对象,采用现场问卷调查方法和专家问卷法确定各个指标的隶属度,并根据具体的综合评价方法计算出各个评价指标的最终评判结果,并依据评判结果,提出了针对提升济南市检察院执行力的建议。 总的来说,我国对于执行力评价体系的研究还不太多,具体到执行力理论在检察机关中的应用就跟少了。而在当前形势下,建立一套科学合理、符合我国检察机关执行力建设实际情况的评价体系,对于有效提升检察机关执行力水平,促进我国依法治国理念的实施具有重要的意义,因此本文对此进行了一些有益的探索。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the gradual implementation of the strategy of governing the country according to law, the research on the executive power of the procuratorial organs is deepening, and the construction of the executive power of the procuratorial organs is constantly improving. In the present situation of executive power theory research in our country, most scholars in our country still pay attention to the importance of executive power theory to enterprises and administrative organs, and how to improve the effective execution ability methods and means, and so on. There is little research on the evaluation system of executive power, and the evaluation system of executive power, which takes the procuratorial organ as the object of study, is even more lacking. This paper holds that the executive power of the procuratorial organ should be effectively promoted. It is a very important point to evaluate and study the executive power of procuratorial organs. Through the common research of executive power in the field of public administration, this paper defines the concept of executive power of procuratorial organ, and expounds emphatically the present situation and generating structure of executive power of procuratorial organ. Combined with theory and practice, the four-level evaluation system of procuratorial organs' executive power is established. Then, taking Jinan City Procuratorate as the evaluation object, the subjection degree of each index is determined by the method of field questionnaire and the method of expert questionnaire. According to the concrete comprehensive evaluation method, the final evaluation results of each evaluation index are calculated, and based on the evaluation results, some suggestions for improving the execution ability of Jinan City Procuratorate are put forward. In general, there is not much research on the evaluation system of executive power in our country. Specifically, the application of executive power theory in procuratorial organs is less. But under the current situation, to establish a set of scientific and reasonable, The evaluation system in accordance with the actual situation of the execution of procuratorial organs in our country is of great significance for effectively improving the level of execution of procuratorial organs and promoting the implementation of the concept of governing the country according to law.


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