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发布时间:2018-02-26 20:11

  本文关键词: 未决羁押 理论基础 正当性背离 理性回归 出处:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:未决羁押制度是世界各国刑事诉讼中的重要强制措施,它是对犯罪嫌疑人在未经审理判处刑罚之前对嫌疑人的人身自由加以拘束的一项制度。未决羁押制度对于探明案件真相、防止犯罪行为对社会危害的增加、节约司法资源具有重要的价值。同时,由于羁押是对人身自由的一项严厉限制,且在未经法院定罪之前实施,因此其也应当受到人权、无罪推定和程序正义的限制。一国的未决羁押制度在很大程度上反映了一个国家的法治理念和刑事政策,因此,未决羁押制度直接反映着一国法治化水平。 我国没有独立的未决羁押制度,而是依附于拘留和逮捕这两项强制措施,因此没有形成程序上和实体上的独立制度价值,也没有形成一个科学完整的控制体系,在现实中出现了许多的问题,对未决羁押制度的正当性产生了严重背离。通过对问题的发现与剖析,重构我国的未决羁押制度体系,方能实现未决羁押制度的理性回归。
[Abstract]:The system of pending detention is an important coercive measure in the criminal proceedings of countries all over the world. It is a system of restricting the personal liberty of the suspect before the criminal suspect is sentenced to punishment without trial. The system of pending detention is of great importance to the detection of the truth of the case. Preventing criminal acts from increasing harm to society and saving judicial resources are important. At the same time, since detention is a severe restriction on the liberty of the person and is committed without a conviction by a court, it should also be subject to human rights, The presumption of innocence and the limitation of procedural justice. To a large extent, the pending detention system of a country reflects the concept of the rule of law and the criminal policy of a country, therefore, the pending detention system directly reflects the level of a country's rule of law. China does not have an independent pending detention system, but relies on the two coercive measures of detention and arrest, so it has not formed the value of independent system in procedure and entity, nor has it formed a scientific and complete control system. There are many problems in reality, which deviate seriously from the legitimacy of the pending custody system. Through the discovery and analysis of the problems, we can reconstruct the system of the pending custody system in our country, so as to realize the rational return of the pending custody system.


相关期刊论文 前3条

1 隋光伟;羁押属性及适用原则[J];当代法学;2004年03期

2 孙涛;张磊;;未决羁押制度研究[J];经济研究导刊;2012年04期

3 钟朝阳;;论我国未决羁押制度的改革[J];江西社会科学;2010年01期

相关博士学位论文 前1条

1 江涌;未决羁押制度研究[D];复旦大学;2009年




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