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发布时间:2018-02-27 14:13

  本文关键词: 强制性侦查措施 强制侦查法定 司法审查 比例原则 出处:《上海师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:强制性侦查措施涉及的公民权利极为广泛,仅次于刑罚对公民权利的限制和剥夺。由于强制性侦查措施本身的特点,一旦被滥用就会成为侵犯公民人身权、财产权以及隐私权等权利的工具。为此,西方法治国家通过一系列制度设计来约束侦查权的行使,保障个人权利免受国家权力的不法侵犯。首先制度的良好运行要求该制度的设计必须合理且具有可操作性。这也就要求强制性侦查措施的实施必须遵循强制侦查法定,法律要为强制性侦查措施设定严格的程序要件和实体要件。其次制度的良好运行需要有外部的制约机制,法院来进行强制性侦查措施的司法审查便成为应有之义。再次相关的配套制度如证据排除规则和犯罪嫌疑人权利保障机制,也为加强监督制约提供了保障。我国没有强制侦查措施的司法审查制度,其他制约机制也并不完善。超期羁押、刑讯逼供、违法取证、滥用强制性措施等现象频发,使侦查程序成为了整个刑事诉讼中程序违法现象发生最多的阶段。因此我们有必要完善强制性侦查措施的制约机制。 本文由导言、正文和结语组成,其中正文分为五部分进行论述。 第一部分论述的是强制性侦查措施的基本内涵。该部分从侦查的定义入手,初步了解了侦查和强制性措施的含义,然后对强制性侦查措施的概念进行界定。在明确了概念之后,分析了强制性侦查措施的特征,强制性、侵权性和适用的限制性。最后对强制性侦查措施规制的必要性进行了论述。 第二部分主要考察了西方法治国家强制性侦查措施在现实中的运行状况及制约手段。该部分先以英国、美国为例探讨了英美法系国家对强制性侦查措施的法律规制手段,然后又以德国、意大利,日本为模本分析了大陆法系国家对强制性侦查措施设定的规制方式。最后归纳总结了西方国家对强制侦查措施法律规制的经验。主要有强制侦查法定,比例原则,司法审查制度,非法证据排除规则以及犯罪嫌疑人权利保障机制。 第三部分介绍了我国强制性侦查措施适用过程中存在的问题,其根源在于强制性侦查措施法律规制的不足。该部分遵循了刑事诉讼法体例编排的顺序,分析了我国拘留、逮捕、搜查、扣押、技术侦查措施等强制性侦查措施所存在的问题。问题的分析主要从是否符合强制性侦查措施法定、是否符合比例原则,是否接受司法审查,是否有救济机制等角度进行论述。 第四部分提出了我国强制性侦查措施法律规制的完善建议。该部分结合外国法有关制度成熟的方面提出了我国强制性侦查措施法律规制的完善建议,主要包括完善法律规范中的强制性侦查措施法定,在刑事诉讼领域贯彻比例原则,构建我国的司法审查制度,完善非法证据排除规则,建立健全犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障机制。
[Abstract]:Compulsory investigative measures involve a wide range of civil rights, second only to the restriction and deprivation of civil rights by the penalty. Due to the characteristics of the coercive investigative measures, once abused, they will become infringements on the personal rights of citizens. The right to property and the right to privacy. To this end, Western countries ruled by law through a series of institutional design to restrict the exercise of the right to investigate, First of all, the good operation of the system requires that the design of the system must be reasonable and operable. The law should set strict procedural and substantive elements for compulsory investigative measures. The judicial review of compulsory investigative measures by the courts becomes the proper meaning. Relevant supporting systems such as evidence exclusion rules and the protection mechanism of suspects' rights are relevant again. It also provides a guarantee for strengthening supervision and restriction. There is no judicial review system for compulsory investigative measures in our country, and other restrictive mechanisms are not perfect. Phenomena such as prolonged detention, extorting confessions by torture, illegal collection of evidence, abuse of coercive measures, and so on, occur frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to perfect the restrictive mechanism of compulsory investigation measures. This paper consists of introduction, text and conclusion, in which the text is divided into five parts. The first part deals with the basic connotation of compulsory investigative measures. This part starts with the definition of investigation and preliminarily understands the meaning of investigation and coercive measures. Then the concept of compulsory investigative measures is defined. After defining the concept, the characteristics of compulsory investigative measures are analyzed. Finally, the necessity of the regulation of compulsory investigative measures is discussed. The second part mainly examines the operation and restriction of compulsory investigative measures in western countries under the rule of law. Firstly, taking the United Kingdom and the United States as an example, it discusses the legal regulation measures of compulsory investigative measures in the countries of Anglo-American legal system. Then, taking Germany, Italy and Japan as the model, this paper analyzes the regulation methods of compulsory investigative measures in the countries of civil law system. Finally, it summarizes the experience of western countries in the legal regulation of coercive investigative measures. Principle of proportionality, system of judicial review, rule of exclusion of illegal evidence and guarantee mechanism of suspect's rights. The third part introduces the problems existing in the application of compulsory investigative measures in our country, which is rooted in the insufficiency of the legal regulation of compulsory investigative measures. This part follows the order of the style of criminal procedure law and analyzes the detention in our country. Problems existing in compulsory investigative measures such as arrest, search, seizure, technical investigation measures, etc. The analysis of the problems mainly includes whether they conform to the mandatory investigative measures, whether they conform to the principle of proportionality, and whether they are subject to judicial review. Whether has the relief mechanism and so on angle carries on the elaboration. Part 4th puts forward some suggestions to perfect the legal regulation of compulsory investigative measures in China, which combines with the mature aspects of the relevant systems of foreign law, and puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of the legal regulation of compulsory investigative measures in China. It mainly includes perfecting the mandatory investigative measures in the legal norms, carrying out the principle of proportionality in the field of criminal procedure, constructing the judicial review system of our country, perfecting the rule of excluding illegal evidence, and establishing and perfecting the protection mechanism of criminal suspects' rights.


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