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发布时间:2018-02-27 23:52

  本文关键词: 涉恐资产 冻结 法律制度 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Terrorist organizations use terrorist attacks as a means to achieve their ultimate goal of anti-humanity, anti-social political or social ends. However, any organization must have sufficient funds to carry out terrorist attacks. Especially for those terrorist organizations with systematic internal institutions and long-term development goals, it is difficult for them to grow without strong funds as the basis for terrorist attacks. It is even less likely to achieve their political objectives. Therefore, financing is an important part of terrorist attacks committed by terrorist organizations. Without the backing of funds, terrorist organizations will not be able to function properly and plan terrorist attacks. From the perspective of counter-terrorism, curbing and eliminating terrorist financing and cutting off the financing chain of terrorist organizations have become important measures to prevent the further growth of terrorist forces. At present, Freezing the assets of recognized terrorist organizations and persons (referred to as terrorist assets freeze) in the context of financial counter-terrorism is a practical and effective means of combating terrorism. Preventing the occurrence of terrorist attacks plays an important role. The legal system of freezing terrorist assets refers to the identification of terrorist organizations and terrorist personnel by the leading organs of the State's counter-terrorism work in accordance with their legal functions and powers, according to certain standards. The administrative bodies of the State's leading agencies for counter-terrorism work issue their lists to the public, and the assets of the listed persons are checked and frozen by financial institutions and specific non-financial institutions under the authority of the law according to the published lists. To stop all its financial transactions. Our country's legal system of terrorist assets freezing is still in its infancy, and there are still many shortcomings. This paper will study the relevant theories and the legal system of foreign terrorist assets freezing. It is hoped that it can provide some useful reference for the legal system of terrorist assets freezing in our country, and also provide relatively beneficial help for the development and perfection of the relevant legal system in our country.


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