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发布时间:2018-02-28 04:24

  本文关键词: 瑕疵证据 补正 无害错误规则 非法证据 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》、《办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》等法律法规的公布,再加上社会热点刑事案件如王朝抢劫案的发生,瑕疵证据这一概念顺理成章地成为法学界和实务界的讨论热点。但由于瑕疵证据的立法时间较短,相关制度并没有加以详尽的规定,这给实务上的操作会带来一定的不确定性。瑕疵证据的定义、补正主体、程序、方式、标准等问题都需要在以后的立法过程中加以明确与完善。 本文拟通过对上述问题进行初步的分析,发现立法、司法中有关瑕疵证据存在的种种问题,并在此基础上提出有关瑕疵证据补正的构想。 第一部分:对刑事瑕疵证据补正制度的相关理论进行介绍,从瑕疵证据的概念出发,将其与非法证据进行清晰的界定,并将“补正”这一概念与“补强”、“转化”等制度加以明确的区分,,避免引起混淆。此外,还将法条中“补正”和与其并列提出的“合理解释”这二者之间的关系进行一定程度的说明。 第二部分:对域外主要国家的瑕疵证据相关制度的发展沿革进行阐述,并在此基础上得出对我国今后瑕疵证据补正制度完善之有益的启示。在证据种类上,主要分为实物证据和言词证据这两种类型,域外主要国家瑕疵证据的运用制度也因证据的种类不同有所差异,本章节在论述中将会进行分开阐述。 第三部分:主要是针对我国的瑕疵证据补正制度的现状进行剖析,从立法、司法现状两个层面发现其中所存在的不足之处,并进行分析,加以反思,侧重于对我国司法实践中所存在的补正问题进行说明,指出立法完善的必要性。 第四部分:在前文各章节分析的基础上,提出对今后瑕疵证据补正制度完善的一系列建议,主要从补正主体、补正次数、补正方式等方面进行构想,同时对补正的配套制度加以完善。
[Abstract]:With the publication of laws and regulations, such as "regulations on the exclusion of illegal evidence in handling criminal cases", "provisions on examining and judging certain problems of evidence in handling death penalty cases", and other laws and regulations, coupled with the occurrence of criminal cases of social interest, such as dynasty robberies, The concept of defective evidence has naturally become a hot topic in the field of law and practice. However, due to the short legislative time of defective evidence, the relevant system has not been stipulated in detail. The definition of defective evidence, correction subject, procedure, method, standard and so on need to be clarified and perfected in the later legislative process. Through the preliminary analysis of the above problems, this paper finds out the problems existing in the legislation and judicature about the defective evidence, and puts forward the idea of correcting the defective evidence on this basis. The first part: introduce the relevant theories of the system of correction of criminal defective evidence, proceed from the concept of defective evidence, and define it clearly with illegal evidence. The concept of "supplement and correction" is clearly distinguished from the systems of "reinforcement" and "transformation" so as to avoid confusion. The relationship between "complement" and "reasonable explanation" in the article is explained to a certain extent. The second part: expound the development and evolution of the relevant system of defect evidence in the main foreign countries, and on this basis, draw the beneficial enlightenment to the perfection of the defect evidence correction system in our country in the future. It can be divided into two types: physical evidence and verbal evidence. The application system of defect evidence in foreign countries is different because of the different types of evidence. This chapter will be discussed separately. The third part is mainly to analyze the current situation of the system of correction of defective evidence in our country, and find out the shortcomings from the two aspects of legislation and judicial status, and analyze and reflect on it. Focus on the judicial practice of our country in the issue of correction, pointing out the necessity of legislative improvement. Part 4th: based on the analysis of the previous chapters, a series of suggestions are put forward to perfect the system of correction of defective evidence in the future, mainly from the aspects of the subject, times and ways of correction. At the same time, the complementary system of correction should be improved.


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