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发布时间:2018-02-28 05:14

  本文关键词: 电子截屏 证据 审查判断 民事诉讼 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the increase of "electronic data" evidence type in our civil procedure law, electronic screenshot evidence has become a common kind of electronic data evidence in civil litigation because of its convenience and low cost. Because the legislation on electronic data in our country started late and crude, the experience accumulated in the trial practice is also insufficient. This paper discusses the application of electronic screenshot in civil litigation. The first part of the article discusses the relationship between electronic screenshot and electronic data. In this paper, electronic screenshots are defined as "two-dimensional digital images obtained by screenshots", which have the characteristics of wide application, little information, limited and unstable record integrity. Secondly, electronic data in civil proceedings are generated by electrical signals. Third, the relationship between the captured electronic data and the electronic screenshot is the relationship between the original evidence and the transmitted evidence. The second part of the article summarizes and analyzes the application of electronic screenshot in civil litigation. Combined with specific cases, the common electronic screenshot evidence is divided into four categories, that is, chat screen capture, office system screen capture, web screen capture and computer software screen capture. The main points of court review of each type of electronic screenshot are summarized and analyzed. This paper summarizes the existing problems and reasons of electronic screenshot examination and judgment. Due to the lack of development of relevant forensics and verification technology, the legislation of electronic data adoption rules is missing. The lack of knowledge and experience of judges and parties leads to difficulties in the examination and judgment of electronic screenshot evidence, which ultimately makes it difficult to play a full role in the proceedings. The third part of the article puts forward the countermeasures of electronic screenshot review and judgment in civil litigation. Construct the examination standard of electronic screenshot evidence ability, put forward the suggestion to the electronic screenshot authenticity, legitimacy, relevance of the examination points respectively. Second, to the electronic screenshot of the power of proof to examine and judge the recommendations, From the point of view of the reinforcement rule of evidence and the limitation of proof power of non-original evidence, this paper analyzes the power of proof of electronic screenshot. Thirdly, it puts forward some suggestions on the rules of proof in cases involving electronic screenshots.


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