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发布时间:2018-02-28 15:39

  本文关键词: 刑讯逼供 社会角色定位 单独审讯人制度 出处:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The definitions of torture vary from physical violence to mental repression. However, what is most likely to be ignored by scholars is the serious inequity between the powerful investigative organs behind the extortion of confessions by torture and the small criminal suspects. It is precisely this unequal position that invisibly encourages investigators to solve cases by any means whatsoever. On the other hand, there is a tremendous psychological repression of criminal suspects. There are various reasons for this phenomenon. These internal factors as well as the lack of relevant legal principles of protecting suspects in the existing criminal procedure law in our country are external factors such as the role orientation factors in the field of sociology of law and the long-term prejudice of legal culture. The joint action led to the flood of torture in our country. At the same time, the imperfect litigation procedure has caused most of the injustice cases caused by torture to be rehabilitated only by the resurrection of the victim and the appearance of the true culprit. In ordinary criminal cases, the probability of extorting confessions by torture is also very high. The fundamental reason for extorting confessions by torture is the strict division and sharp opposition between crime and justice within human beings. As a result of this, justice gives rise to the transcendent status of crime. To curb extortion by torture, we should not only change the design of the existing legal system, but also break the traditional social and cultural concepts and deal with both the root and the root of the crime. In the process of interrogation, the criminal investigation organs of a country make use of the special status given by law to impose on the mental and physical suffering of the national of a country. The act of eventually exchanging relevant case information. There have been studies on extorting confessions by torture in various fields around the world. In reality, extortion of confessions by torture has taken place in various countries, indicating that extorting confessions by torture is not only a historical issue but also an international issue. On 2014, extorting confessions by torture once again entered public view. First, the US Senate Intelligence Committee released a report. For the first time, the official narration of a confession by CIA agents against a terrorist suspect was made. Then, on December 15th 2014, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region High Court retried and acquitted the accused, Huugjilt. In the face of such repeated and intractable criminal complaints, the containment of extorting confessions by torture still needs to start with procedures to remove the survival soil of torture. This requires a change of concept. The objective reasons for the occurrence of criminal crimes are investigated and sorted out in order to eliminate the hate psychology of crimes. At the same time, the original system of lawsuit investigation is broken, and the system of individual interrogators and insufficient evidence tracing is established. From the legal system, the power of investigators will be weakened and the extortion of confessions by torture will be eliminated.


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