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发布时间:2018-02-28 21:36

  本文关键词: 司法鉴定人 民事责任 侵权责任 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development and progress of science and technology, in recent years, we need to use specialized knowledge and professional skills to solve disputes in court cases. There are more and more cases to answer the doubts, so the judicial expertise is widely used in the court. The special subject, the judicial expert, is also gradually known to the public. The judicial expert is the direct executor of the judicial expertise. In order to avoid abuse of rights, it is necessary to exercise strict supervision over the operation of rights in order to identify the persons or things involved in a case with their own professional knowledge in a certain field, and to have a certain degree of autonomy over the pretence of identification activities. However, in the current judicial practice, the legislation has not made a clear provision on the civil legal liability of the judicial expert, and the restraint mechanism for the judicial expert is not perfect. The cases of judicial connoisseurs being prosecuted by the parties for their misconduct have begun to increase, and the demand for the judicial experts to bear the corresponding civil liability has aroused social concern. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, At the same time, in order to maintain the fairness and justice of law, it is necessary to study the civil legal liability of judicial connoisseurs in our country. This paper clarifies the nature and characteristics of judicial connoisseurs in our country, and defines the qualification and selection of experts in combination with judicial practice, and regulates the civil legal liability of judicial connoisseurs in the law. The author thinks that the liability of judicial connoisseur should be tort liability, probes into the principle that the liability of judicial connoisseur's tort liability is the principle of fault liability, and takes into account the existence of "information asymmetry" in the burden of proof. It is very difficult for the parties to prove the fault of the authenticator by holding that the inversion rule of the burden of proof shall be applied to the civil liability of the judicial expert, and that the general fault of the expert shall be excluded. To assume liability for damages arising only from intentional or gross negligence, and to discuss the limitations, including science and technology and understanding, in relation to defences and the nature of the work of judicial experts, The fault of the victim and the fault of the third party are the defense reasons of the judicial expert's exemption or the lightening of the liability, and some suggestions are made on the perfection of the judicial identification system in the legislation and the liability insurance system.


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