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发布时间:2018-03-01 01:21

  本文关键词: 有罪答辩 事实基础 认罪认罚从宽 速裁程序 简易程序 出处:《国家检察官学院学报》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In order to prevent innocent defendants from being convicted, the United States guilty plea system requires not only that the accused plead guilty on a voluntary, rational and informed basis, but also that the guilty plea must have a factual basis, But there is no need for a confrontational review of the factual basis, The degree of proof does not need to meet the requirements of trial and conviction. This fully reflects the efforts made by the guilty plea system to balance as far as possible the value of justice and efficiency. The lenient system of pleading guilty and penalizing in our country also establishes the judgment of the court. On the basis of the guilty plea of the accused... in order to ensure the correctness of the guilty verdict, There is a need to establish appropriate safeguards to ensure the authenticity of the accused's admission of guilt, including the distinction between the defendant's guilty plea review procedure and the sentencing procedure, and to increase the requirement that the accused plead guilty on the basis of facts, in addition to the requirement of voluntariness and knowledge, The examination of the factual basis of confession needs to reach the level of evidence beyond reasonable doubt, and to grant the defendant the right to withdraw his confession or file an appeal.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院;


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