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发布时间:2018-03-01 00:12

  本文关键词: 第三人撤销之诉 正当程序 程序保障 出处:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:第三人撤销之诉是大陆法系一项重要的民事诉讼制度,具有深刻的理论意义和现实价值。长期以来,在我国民事诉讼领域,对生效裁判危害第三人利益的问题存在诉权制度不健全的缺憾。近年来的民事司法实践中,当事人利用诉讼损害第三人合法权益的问题日益凸显。2012年新《民事诉讼法》在第56条中增加一款作为第三款,确立了相对独立的旨在保护第三人合法权益的撤销之诉。 从学理上讲,新民诉法第五十六条第三款规定的第三人撤销之诉,指的是能够成为本诉适格当事人的第三人以已发生之诉讼的原、被告双方为共同被告,旨在全部或部分地改变原来的判决、裁定或调解书所确定的法律状态或权利义务关系而提起的诉讼,其性质属于形成之诉。第三人撤销之诉的设置,一个方面是给以因故未能参加诉讼而没有获得程序保障、却可能受到判决既判力扩张效果拘束的第三人提供救济途径;另一个方面,则是防止第三人的合法权益受到他人通过利用诉讼审判骗取法院生效法律文书等方式的不当侵害。第三人撤销之诉对于保障第三人的合法权益以及遏制恶意诉讼方面具有重大意义。 然而,这项制度在民事诉讼法中仅有一个条文对其进行了规定,相应的配套制度与具体的操作规范都有所缺失,出现较多亟待解决的矛盾和法律漏洞。文中笔者对法国和我国台湾地区的第三人撤销之诉制度进行考察,对完善我国第三人撤销之诉提出一些建议。 本文第一章从宏观的角度,对第三人撤销之诉制度的概念、程序特征、功能定位和理论基础这四个方面着手,对其进行系统论述。 第二章分析我国第三人撤销之诉程序运行中出现的问题。第三人撤销之诉的立法条文过于简略,立法中存在冲突与空白。突出表现为第三人撤销之诉的适用主体与客体范围并非十分科学,以及第三人撤销之诉的适用程序不尽完善。 第三章参考法国和我国台湾地区的相关规定的立法现状,结合我国的实际环境与法制环境,找寻出值得我国在立法和司法实践过程中可以学习与借鉴之处。 第四章主要是对第二部分中所提到的我国司法实践中存在的问题进行一个深层次的分析,并对第三人撤销之诉的具体程序的完善提出一些解决的建议。 笔者试图通过对第三人撤销之诉进行较为全面的把握,希望能为今后的具体程序设置的完备起到抛砖引玉的作用。
[Abstract]:The withdraw of the third person is the continental law system is an important civil litigation system, has profound theoretical significance and practical value. For a long time, in the field of civil proceedings, litigious right system is not perfect. The judgment against the interests of the third problems. The civil judicial practice in recent years, the use of litigation damage the legitimate rights and interests of third people is becoming increasingly prominent in.2012 new "Civil Procedure Law" in the fifty-sixth in one paragraph is added as the third paragraph, the establishment of a relatively independent to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the third person's lawsuit.
Theoretically, the new civil procedure law fifty-sixth provisions of the third paragraph of the withdraw of the third person, that is to become the action of the eligible parties third people to have the lawsuit, the defendant as a co defendant, to partially or completely change the original judgment, ruling or mediation as determined by the the legal status or rights and obligations and litigation, which belongs to the action of formation. The withdraw of the third person setting, one is given for any reason you are unable to participate in litigation without any procedural guarantee, but may be subject to the res judicata expansion effect at the third people to provide remedy; on the other hand third people, is to prevent the legitimate rights and interests of others through improper infringement litigation by the trial court for effective legal documents and other means. The withdraw of the third person for the protection of the legitimate rights of the third person and the evil The meaning of litigation is of great significance.
However, this system is only a provision in the civil procedure law to carry out the provisions of the corresponding supporting system and specific practices are lacking, appear more contradictions and loopholes in the law. In the article the author investigated third people to withdraw France and China's Taiwan region of the appeal system. On perfecting the withdraw of the third person to put forward some suggestions.
In the first chapter, from the macroscopic point of view, this paper systematically discusses the four aspects of the third party's revocation litigation system, including its concept, procedural characteristics, functional orientation and theoretical basis.
The second chapter analyzes procedure of our country the withdraw of the third person operation problems. The legislation of the withdraw of the third person is too simple, there are conflicts and gaps in legislation. The subject and object scope is not outstanding performance for the withdraw of the third person is very scientific, and the application program of the withdraw of the third person as perfect.
The third chapter, referring to the legislation status of relevant regulations in France and Taiwan area, combined with the actual environment and legal environment in China, finds out what is worth learning and learning from in the process of legislation and judicial practice.
The fourth chapter is a deep analysis of the problems existing in the judicial practice in the second part, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the specific procedures of the third party's rescission.
The author tries to make a more comprehensive grasp of the third people's revocation, hoping to play a role in the completion of the specific procedures in the future.



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