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发布时间:2018-02-28 23:22

  本文关键词: 以审判为中心 诉讼制度 庭审实质化 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The trial centered litigation system reform is an important measure for the modern judicial concept of criminal justice and criminal justice practice and its core values embodied in the field of criminal procedure. The essence of the first portion of the trial centered litigation system reform, the trial centered litigation system reform theoretical connotation and practical significance are described, the trial centered, is the modern rule of law to follow the concept of criminal proceedings, the trial has a decisive role in the criminal proceedings in the trial of the case investigation, the fact that has a substantial effect, only after the due process of trial, in order to ultimately determine the criminal responsibility the defendant; analysis of judicial practice in investigation of evolution from the center to the center of the trial system, expounds the trial centered theory and litigation theory into different stages, And clear the trial centered litigation system reform the correctness and necessity; summarizes the basic requirements of the trial centered litigation system reform is to establish the core position of the trial in the criminal procedure and promote the essence of the trial. After the essence of reform of litigation system on trial as the center and basic requirements the central system analysis, the article described the trial centered litigation system reform goals, one is to regulate the power of investigation, prosecution, adjudication, to give the necessary restrictions on public power; two is to realize and guarantee the litigious rights, respect and protection of private rights; three is to promote the procedure of a case justice and substantive justice, the case to a fair trial is the core objective of criminal litigation; the four is to maintain the judicial authority, enhance the rule of law governance, which is centered on the trial of the lawsuit system in reform The development of rule of law level of value, but also the macro and far-reaching significance; the four aspects of the realistic goals for the further study of the trial centered litigation system reform to provide the theory and practice of power. The last part of the article is to elaborate the trial for the realization of the path in the heart of the litigation system reform. First, innovation concept of criminal justice; two, litigation reform of pretrial procedure, the integrated use of judicial writ system, strengthen the procuratorial supervision, protection of criminal suspects, defendants' rights, improve the judicial relief mechanism, the jurisdiction of pretrial procedure for better supervision and guidance; three, to promote the essence of the trial, the trial is the entity justice and procedural justice in criminal proceedings most closely, the evidence is sufficient and required beyond reasonable doubt, evidence in the acquisition of fixed legitimacy preservation program, objectivity and the entity, Relevance are required by the court to complete the proof, cross examination, combined with China's judicial practice and foreign experiences, the reform of the whole case dossier system, establish the system of disclosure of evidence, perfecting the pretrial conference system, implement the principle of direct words became the essence of the trial in the meaning of the Title; four, establish and strictly apply evidence rules, the core lies in adherence to the rule and carry out the suspected crime from unprincipled illegal evidence, but the fruit of the poisonous tree must be excluded from the conviction and sentencing evidence chain of evidence is not sufficient, can not rule out the idea of criminal justice reasonable doubt cases strictly implement the conflict. The trial centered litigation system reform, transformation and shaping of criminal judicial idea and system of a complex system, optimize the allocation of judicial resources and judicial power and non zero sum game, completely realize the idea of reform, The judicial development requires a long process, realize the criminal justice path update, system reconstruction needs more perfect theoretical discussion and Practice on the far-reaching constructive response. The trial centered litigation system reform conforms to the development rule of criminal justice, to obtain a fair trial of criminal cases, promote rule of law governance, and ultimately will promote the progress of civilization and the rule of human rights protection.



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