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发布时间:2018-03-01 15:20

  本文关键词: 贿赂案件 侦查 侦辩协商 基础 依据 困境 理性构建 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国在社会转型过程中,贿赂犯罪形势严峻,,侦查手段尚未完备,为了更有效的打击贿赂犯罪,侦查实践中自发产生了具有“辩诉交易因素”的侦辩协商行为。虽然它在我国贿赂案件侦查实务中已普遍存在,但目前对其进行的独立研究较少,对贿赂案件侦查中运用侦辩协商的科学基础与实践依据进行论证,在此基础上通过中外对比研究,介绍其在域外和国内的具体运用,并针对目前侦辩协商在我国贿赂案件侦查中的运行困境提出自己的建议,具有重要的理论价值与实践意义。本文由五个部分组成。 第一部分,主要阐述了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的定义、与辩诉交易的区别以及分类等内容。贿赂案件侦查中的侦辩协商是一个实践性、独立性、地域性概念,它是指在贿赂案件侦查阶段,侦查机关为了获取犯罪证据,挖掘侦查线索以及争取其他所需要的侦查合作,同被追诉人、共同犯罪的犯罪人及其辩护人以及其他相关知情人就向公诉机关和审判机关建议定罪量刑等实体问题以及决定撤销案件、决定侦查措施使用等程序问题进行的谈判和协商。它与辩诉交易就法律地位、价值功能、适用主体与协商内容以及监督机制存在显著差别。依据侦辩协商的主体、内容、法律认可度等标准对其进行了分类,从不同角度全面认识贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商这一概念。 第二部分,重点论述了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的科学基础和实践依据。法价值论与法实现论以及刑事实体法律与程序法律的法学基础、宽严相济的刑事政策基础、成本收益分析的经济学基础、社会交换与社会互动的社会学基础共同构成了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的科学基础;贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的必要性和有效性分析则构成了其运用的实践依据。 第三部分,系统考察了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的实践运用。从程序与实体层面分别介绍了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商在域外的类似运用,主要包括了程序层面的程序性事项的协商、实体层面的刑事免责制度和污点证人豁免制度;从协商环节、协商主体以及侦查措施角度审视了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商在我国的具体运用。 第四部分,全面分析了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的运行困境。此部分从法律依据不充分、公正性受质疑、协商效力不确定、监督机制未建立、实践引发新问题这几个方面进行了详实说明。 第五部分,初步提出了贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的理性构建。针对侦辩协商运行困境,从完善相关立法、落实辩护制度、设计具体程序、提高侦查主体素质、建立监督机制来破除贿赂案件侦查中侦辩协商的实践难题。
[Abstract]:In the process of social transformation, the situation of bribery crime is grim, and the investigation techniques are not yet complete. In order to combat bribery crime more effectively, In the practice of investigation, the behavior of plea bargaining has come into being spontaneously. Although it has been widely used in the investigation practice of bribery cases in our country, there are few independent studies on it at present. This paper demonstrates the scientific basis and practical basis for the application of investigation and defense consultation in the investigation of bribery cases. On this basis, it introduces its concrete application in foreign countries and at home through the comparative study between China and foreign countries. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to put forward some suggestions in view of the predicament of investigation and debate negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases in our country at present. This paper is composed of five parts. The first part mainly expounds the definition of the negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases, the difference between the negotiation and the plea bargaining, and the classification, etc. In the investigation of bribery cases, it is a practical, independent and regional concept. It means that in the investigation stage of bribery cases, the investigative organs, in order to obtain evidence of crime, dig up investigative clues and seek other necessary investigative cooperation, with the prosecution, The offender of a joint crime, his defenders and other relevant insiders, on substantive issues such as recommending conviction and sentencing to the public prosecution organ and the judicial organ, and deciding to withdraw the case, There are significant differences in legal status, value function, applicable subject and negotiation content and supervision mechanism between the legal status, the value function, the applicable subject and the negotiation mechanism, and the subject and content of the negotiation according to the investigation and debate. It is classified by the standards of legal recognition, and the concept of negotiation in investigation of bribery cases is fully understood from different angles. The second part focuses on the scientific basis and practical basis of investigation and debate negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases, the theory of legal value and realization, the legal basis of criminal substantive law and procedural law, and the criminal policy foundation of combining leniency and severity. The economic basis of cost-benefit analysis and the sociological basis of social exchange and social interaction constitute the scientific basis of investigation and debate in bribery case investigation. The analysis of the necessity and validity of the negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases constitutes the practical basis for its application. In the third part, the author systematically investigates the practice and application of investigation and defense negotiation in bribery case investigation. It introduces the similar application of investigation and debate negotiation in the outside world in bribery case investigation from the procedural and substantive levels, respectively. It mainly includes the consultation of procedural matters at the procedural level, the criminal exemption system at the substantive level and the immunity system of tainted witnesses. From the angle of negotiation subject and investigation measure, this paper examines the concrete application of investigation and debate negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases in our country. In the 4th part, the author comprehensively analyzes the operating dilemma of the investigation and defense negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases, which includes insufficient legal basis, questionable impartiality, uncertain validity of negotiation, and no establishment of supervisory mechanism. The practice causes the new question these several aspects to carry on the detailed explanation. In the 5th part, the rational construction of the negotiation in the investigation of bribery cases is put forward preliminarily. In view of the dilemma of the operation of the negotiation of investigation and debate, the author tries to perfect the relevant legislation, implement the defense system, design specific procedures, and improve the quality of the subject of investigation. Establish supervision mechanism to solve the practical problem of investigation and defense consultation in bribery case investigation.


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