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发布时间:2018-03-01 20:40

  本文关键词: 婚姻纠纷 调解 程序 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Mediation, as the main way for people's courts to try marriage disputes, has been widely implemented and applied in judicial practice. However, when dealing with marriage disputes, many judges blindly focus on mediation, and rarely use judgment to close the cases. This kind of method will not only cause the case to be adjusted for a long time, lead to the waste of judicial resources, but also attack the enthusiasm of the parties, which is not conducive to the establishment of judicial authority. From the judicial practice, the non-professional nature of judicial mediation exists in our country. The defect of singularity has caused some troubles to the handling of marriage dispute cases in China, and it is urgent to construct a new mediation procedure to solve this problem. The author puts forward the system conception of the mediation procedure in front of the marriage dispute. This mediation procedure mainly adopts the mode of separating the mediation function of the people's court from the trial function, and separates the mediation function of the people's court from the trial function. And make the people's court no longer assume the mediation function. That is to say, the judge no longer plays the role of mediator any more, but has certain professional knowledge and social experience to play the leading role in the mediation procedure. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is mainly related to the theoretical analysis of marriage dispute mediation, the systematic elaboration of the concept of marriage dispute, The second part refers to the mediation system of foreign marriage and family disputes. Reference is made to the mediation system of marriage disputes in Japan, Germany, the United States and Australia. The third part is the analysis of the present situation of domestic marriage dispute mediation, through the analysis of the domestic marriage dispute mediation status quo, compared with the foreign marriage dispute mediation system. This paper discusses the combination of the introduction of foreign system and the special national conditions of our country. Part 4th is the basic assumption of the mediation procedure in China, from the separation of mediation procedure, the subject of mediation procedure, and the period of mediation. The connection between mediation activity and litigation activity and the guarantee of mediation activity are discussed, and relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.


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