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发布时间:2018-03-02 09:35

  本文关键词: 民事诉讼调解 诉讼调解检察监督 检察权 抗诉 检察建议 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the construction of socialist rule of law and the construction of socialist harmonious society in our country, the settlement of civil disputes shows a diversified trend, in which civil litigation mediation occupies an important position. Civil litigation mediation has the advantages of low cost, flexibility and speed. The characteristics of process harmony are of great practical significance to the timely and effective settlement of disputes and the maintenance of social harmony. With the continuous improvement of the settlement rate of civil litigation mediation, there is no effective supervision and restriction mechanism for civil litigation mediation. So that the abuse of judicial power in the process of civil litigation mediation can not be effectively regulated, and there are more and more problems in the mediation and closing cases. The original procuratorial supervision system of civil litigation mediation in the civil procedure law of our country, To ensure that the court can exercise judicial power in accordance with the law, and that the law can be correctly implemented. The revised Civil procedure Law has expanded the scope of supervision of the procuratorial organs. For the first time, the procuratorial organs have the power to exercise legal supervision over the mediation of civil proceedings in the form of legal provisions, and the procuratorial organs have the right to protest against the civil mediation statements of the people's courts. From the angle of law, the procuratorial organ has the right to supervise the mediation of civil action in the people's court, so that the procuratorial supervision of mediation in civil action is not in the state of no supervision. This article starts with the concept of procuratorial supervision in civil litigation mediation. On the basis of analyzing the present situation and existing problems of the procuratorial supervision of civil litigation mediation in China, this paper makes a comparative study on the relevant legislation of the extra-territorial civil procuratorial system. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the procuratorial supervision system of civil litigation mediation in our country, so as to lay a foundation for the construction of the socialist civil litigation mediation procuratorial supervision system in accordance with the national conditions of our country. Therefore, it is beneficial to perform the function of procuratorial supervision entrusted by the revised Civil procedure Law.


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