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发布时间:2018-03-03 01:30

  本文选题:非法证据排除 切入点:价值 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着保障人权和程序正义等理论在中国的蓬勃发展,针对我国刑事诉讼中出现的非法取证等行为屡禁不止的现象,学术界展开了对非法证据排除的深入研究。但大多数学者研究的视野都普遍集中在有关西方国家的非法证据排除规则的理论和价值基础上,着重的是借鉴国外对非法证据的概念和对排除范围的规定以及引发的对我国非法证据排除规则的构建和反思,而很少有人对非法证据排除的程序机制进行专门的研究。 《两个证据》①规定的出台,预示着非法证据排除规则在我国初步确立。充分彰显出了司法机关与公安机关力求司法公正的决心,但如何将该套制度规定有效地运用到司法实践当中去,仍需一套具体、稳定、有效的操作程序。 本文共分四部分,首先从刑事非法证据程序的基本理论入手,介绍了非法证据排除程序的概念和价值以及非法证据排除程序应遵循的基本原则。接着对国外典型国家有关非法证据排除程序的规定作了考察和分析。第三部分重点分析了我国非法证据排除程序的现状和问题。最后,对我国非法证据排除程序提出了相应的完善措施和救济途径,以期能为刑事诉讼法有关非法证据理论的发展及司法实务的具体操作提供可行性建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the vigorous development of the theories of safeguarding human rights and procedural justice in China, the phenomenon of illegal collection of evidence that occurs in criminal proceedings in China has been repeatedly prohibited. The academic circles have carried out in-depth research on the exclusion of illegal evidence. However, most scholars have generally focused on the theoretical and value basis of the exclusion rules of illegal evidence in western countries. The emphasis is to draw lessons from the concept of illegal evidence in foreign countries and the rules of exclusion and the construction and reflection of the exclusion rules of illegal evidence in our country, but few people have made a special study on the procedural mechanism of the exclusion of illegal evidence. The introduction of "two evidences" 1 indicates that the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence is preliminarily established in China, which fully demonstrates the determination of judicial organs and public security organs to strive for judicial justice. However, how to effectively apply the system to judicial practice requires a set of concrete, stable and effective operating procedures. This paper is divided into four parts. Firstly, it starts with the basic theory of criminal illegal evidence procedure. This paper introduces the concept and value of the exclusionary procedure of illegal evidence and the basic principles that should be followed in the procedure of excluding illegal evidence, and then makes an investigation and analysis of the regulations on the procedure of excluding illegal evidence in typical foreign countries. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation and problems of illegal evidence exclusion procedure in China. This paper puts forward the corresponding perfect measures and relief ways for the procedure of excluding illegal evidence in our country in order to provide feasible suggestions for the development of the theory of illegal evidence and the concrete operation of judicial practice in the Criminal procedure Law.


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