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发布时间:2018-03-03 10:45

  本文选题:侦查模式 切入点:诉讼化 出处:《法学杂志》2017年07期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:China's interrogation investigation model has great defects, especially in the context of the trial as the center of the reform of its more prominent drawbacks, this model is not only difficult to ensure the normative exercise of investigative power. It is also unable to meet the requirements of investigation supervision and protection of human rights. The spirit of judicial intervention in investigation and the right of defense to restrict the right to investigate is to investigate and litigate. A major innovation in the reform of the current criminal procedure system. The apex of the power in the mode of investigation litigation is the power of adjudication. Instead of investigating power or procuratorial power, the judicial reform oriented to investigation and prosecution, and the implementation of lenient system of guilty and punishment are inevitably related to the investigation litigation. Therefore, our country should establish the judicial review system on the basis of the mature experience of foreign countries. Expanding the procedural rights of criminal suspects and perfecting the cooperative and restricted relationship between procurators and police, the author tries to reform the current investigation mode in a proper way.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学法学院;


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