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发布时间:2018-03-03 21:00

  本文选题:《诉讼费用交纳办法》 切入点:财产性案件 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In a society under the rule of law, in order to deal with all kinds of civil disputes and disputes that may arise in the society, the law allows the parties to settle their own disputes through consultation according to the law. The State has also established special mechanisms for adjustment, such as the initiation of judicial machinery for various judicial proceedings, which are essential for the handling and resolution of a specific dispute... and the costs associated with the start-up of the judicial machinery, The litigant must bear the expenses of entrusting the agent, accepting the case, travelling expenses, loss of delayed work income, etc. Therefore, the litigant must bear the expenses on his own. The system of litigation costs is also an indispensable system in civil and administrative litigation in modern countries. Litigation costs, like litigation rights, are closely related to the interests of litigants. The reasonableness of litigation expenses reflects to a certain extent the degree to which the people of a country enjoy legal protection. Compared with the norms of litigation charges, There are obvious changes in the new method of payment of litigation expenses. The interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the application of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China introduced in 2015 has also made corresponding adjustments to the issue of litigation costs. However, there are still many problems that need to be improved. For example, if there are both property claims and non-property claims, legal fees shall be paid according to the standards of property claims. Where there are more than one non-property claim in the litigation request, The starting point for the proportion of fees charged in property cases was lowered from 4% to 2.5, and the amount of the object of the fees paid according to the proportion of 0.5% was adjusted from 1 million to 20 million. The charges in most property cases were greatly reduced, but compared with general cases, Under the same judicial energy consumption, there is still unreasonableness in property cases according to the amount of fees charged on the subject of litigation; therefore, returning to the legislative power of the people's Congress, adjusting the law at the right time, and lowering the charging standards for property cases, Expanding the scope of judicial relief of property litigation costs and so on are effective measures to perfect the litigation cost system and protect the litigant's litigation rights. It is divided into five parts: the main content of the first chapter is an overview of litigation costs, the concept and nature of litigation costs and the significance of establishing litigation costs system in the country. Chapter two is divided into different categories according to different litigation cases. The third chapter mainly discusses the problems existing in the current litigation cost system of our country from the perspective of property cases. It also introduces the problems existing in the principle of burden of litigation expenses in our country. Chapter 4th is mainly based on the problems arising from the system of litigation costs, such as confirmation of litigation, cases of labor disputes, and divorce cases concerned about the people's livelihood. The problems and deficiencies in the collection of litigation expenses of property distribution are put forward. The author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve and reduce the standard of charging for litigation expenses in property cases. In view of the shortcomings in the system of litigation costs in our country, Chapter 5th puts forward some measures to improve the unreasonable status of litigation costs in China.


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