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发布时间:2018-03-03 22:31

  本文选题:行为保全 切入点:适用条件 出处:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In modern society, the court is to maintain the last defense of justice. Although through the judicial process can make the final protection of the rights and interests of the parties, but also the judicial process as a means of relief, with a lag of the disadvantages. Justice delayed non judicial procedure justice, to solve the lag problem, indeed to ensure the realization of the right of the temporary relief measures, the act preservation system is one of them. China revised the "Civil Procedure Law" in 2012, the increase of actpreservation system has certain meaning system and reasonable system of act preservation in our country. But through the analysis of the act preservation provisions and we can find the relevant provisions of the act preservation system is slightly reduced, especially in the specific application of the act preservation system still exist even in the presence of provisions are not specific The blank place, such as: the scope of the act preservation. The content of the act preservation guarantee, the newly revised civil procedure law > < are not explicitly stipulated in the relevant law; and the presentation of the law in the "stakeholder", "irreparable damage" and "harm" the concept of representation is not specific; in the end the application of the behavior preservation by which people applied by the court? What department review? What is the review of the way to conduct preservation ruling? How to perform these procedures? "Civil Procedure Law" is not specified. As a result of the above defects and practice take action preservation is likely to cause confusion, another point of view, namely the design and arrangement, the use of specific acts of preservation are filled, perfect the necessity and legislative space, is this topic from the original. Therefore, this paper According to the analysis of some legal problems for the act preservation system mentioned above, in order for the act preservation system of China's civil operation help. In the following I will be divided into three parts: the first part is an overview of the behavior preservation, compared with foreign advanced experience about the behavior preservation system and the concept of the act preservation system, the nature and scope of problems put forward their own views and discuss the application of act of civil litigation preservation of the logical starting point for the following research on specific issues of law applicable to the preservation of behavior, provide a kind of logical ideas and principles, to pave the way for the second part, on the behavior of the following; the preservation of applicable conditions stated in the law of the content of sentence analysis, find out the ambiguity, put forward their own views; the last part, to apply for In order to provide procedural gaps in the process of preserving the system, we draw lessons from the relevant experience both at home and abroad and combine with the specific conditions of our country, and put forward our own proposals for the supplementary legislation blank.



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