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发布时间:2018-03-04 04:35

  本文选题:检察委员会 切入点:专职委员 出处:《人民检察》2013年13期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The procuratorial committee is the highest professional decision-making organ of the people's procuratorate. The so-called decision-making system of the procuratorial committee refers to the establishment of the procuratorial committee organ and personnel of the people's procuratorate. The study of the decision-making system of the procuratorial committee is of great practical significance in promoting the standardized construction of the procuratorial committee and improving the ability and level of decision-making of the procuratorial committee. The institutional factors affecting the decision-making of the procuratorial committee analyze the complete process of a decision, which can generally be divided into five stages: discovering problems, drawing up bills, discussing them, making decisions, and implementing them effectively. The institutional factors that influence the decision-making of the procuratorial committee mainly include the following aspects: (1) the scope of the topic "the topic" is the "heavy matter" that should be considered by the procuratorial committee according to the regulations
【作者单位】: 广西壮族自治区梧州市人民检察院检委会;


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