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发布时间:2018-03-04 07:02

  本文选题:食品安全 切入点:侵权责任 出处:《广东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper makes a detailed analysis and research on tort liability and compensation mechanism in the field of food safety by means of empirical analysis, case analysis, empirical analysis and so on. The guarantee system of food safety involves civil law, administrative law, etc. Criminal law and other legal departments pay less attention to civil compensation than in criminal and administrative aspects. The existence of food safety tort liability and its compensation mechanism makes it difficult for a large number of injured consumers to protect their rights. It is an important reason for the frequent occurrence of food safety accidents that the enterprises escape the economic responsibility. This paper puts forward a more fair and reasonable method through the analysis of the tort liability of food safety. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part combs the theory of food safety tort liability by introducing two cases after the implementation of the Food Safety Law. The second part summarizes the current situation of legislation and implementation of tort liability for food safety in China, puts forward the problems existing in the relief system of tort liability for food safety in China and analyzes its causes; The third part is mainly based on the above theoretical analysis of tort liability for food safety, referring to the legislative experience of foreign countries, put forward feasible suggestions and measures to improve the civil liability for food safety compensation in China. To the current food safety tort liability determination and the responsibility distribution consummation. Re-discusses the food safety tort behavior and the damage result the causality relation proof rule, how to determine the defect of the defective food; second, To perfect the food safety compensation mechanism of our country. Food safety belongs to the public interest of the society. It is suggested to introduce the public interest litigation mechanism. Third, to expand and improve the range and amount of food safety compensation in our country moderately. Fourth, Food safety liability insurance system should be established to deal with the risks caused by large-scale food safety accidents, to change the single relief mechanism and to increase the relief channels for the victims of defective food.


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