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发布时间:2018-03-04 11:43

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:庭前会议 出处:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 2012, for the first time in China, the new regulation of the system of criminal court meeting was formally written into the Criminal procedure Law. The purpose of establishing the system is to improve the efficiency of judicial trial, to safeguard fairness and to resolve disputes. As the core of the preparatory process, the three years of implementation have effectively enhanced the participation of the three parties in the proceedings. At the same time, since China's pre-trial conference system has only just established an embryonic form, The relevant supporting legal and judicial interpretations are still relatively abstract, and their functions and functions cannot be fully brought into play in practice. The pre-court conference system has been in operation for three years in practice. There have been many classic cases. The author, in combination with the new Criminal procedure Law and the Judicial interpretation of the Supreme Law, deeply analyzes the non-standard procedure for the initiation of the pre-court meeting system at the present stage by using the methods of case description and comparative study of data. The scope of application is unclear, the participants have broad provisions, the specific content is not detailed, and the legal effect needs to be enhanced. With the increasing degree of judicial civilization in various countries in the world, the issue of human rights protection has been paid more and more attention to. Pre-court meetings and similar procedures have been continuously established and improved in countries around the world... there is no doubt that it is an unstoppable trend for States to incorporate the system of pre-trial meetings into their criminal procedure laws... however, given the specific national circumstances and the political context, The influence of history, culture, national customs, etc., the provisions of each country on the pre-court meeting are different. But generally speaking, The purpose of the pre-trial conference system is primarily to assist in the trial proceedings and to fully guarantee the rights of the relatively vulnerable defence. In the case of the pre-trial meeting, there is a necessary procedure for making the procedure mandatory, such as the United Kingdom, There are also ways in which ex officio and application initiation coexist, such as in the United States... the effectiveness of pre-family meetings varies from country to country, that is to say, the outcome of consultations on issues resolved in pre-trial meetings has played a different role and significance in subsequent court trials, If the minutes of the pre-court meeting in the United States are to be signed by the participants, Russia can use the pre-court meeting to decide such matters as the opening of the court session and the termination of the proceedings. The system of pre-court meetings is not only an essential part of the pre-court preparatory process. It is also a relatively independent stage of criminal proceedings, which is similar to the concepts of pre-trial preparation and pre-trial proceedings, but has different values and functions. Pre-court meetings have two major functions: procedural and substantive. Perfecting the system of pre-trial conference in our country will greatly improve the efficiency of criminal proceedings and safeguard the fairness of the administration of justice. How to improve the system of pretrial meeting in criminal proceedings in China is the key point of the article. The author begins with the initiation of the pretrial meeting, the presiding officer of the pretrial meeting, and the content of the pretrial meeting, From the point of view of judicial concept, the procedure of pretrial meeting deals with the relationship between substantive and procedural issues from the point of view of coordination of litigation efficiency and fairness and justice, and protection of the rights of the parties. From the point of view of specific program design, we should standardize the starting procedure of the pre-court meeting, delimit the applicable scope of the pre-court meeting, clarify the participants of the pre-court meeting, refine the content of the pre-court meeting, and enhance the legal effect of the pre-court meeting. The establishment of evidence display and preservation system with Chinese characteristics and the further improvement of our country's pre-court conference system are not only the inevitable requirements of the reform of the litigation system with "trial as the center". After the promulgation of the new Criminal procedure Law, the judicial practice problems need to be solved.


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