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发布时间:2018-03-04 13:16

  本文选题:技术侦查 切入点:证据 出处:《南京师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In March 2012, the Amendment to the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China was adopted and put into effect. In the second part, chapter II of the Amendment to the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, the provisions of the section "Technical investigation measures" have been added. The technical investigation has the incomparable advantages of other investigations in the fight against crime. It can effectively reduce the complexity of the investigation link. However, because of its hidden evidence, the specific subject of the implementation, the strict procedure of the implementation process and the direct collection of the obtained evidence, Therefore, the evidential analysis of technical investigation will become the focus of attention in theory and practice. There is no perfect evidence system of technical investigation in our country, and there are still many problems in collecting, fixing and cross-examination of evidence obtained by technical investigation. Therefore, the technical investigation should be studied from the perspective of evidential science. This article is divided into four parts. The first part summarizes the technical investigation and its evidence. Thus, the particularity of technical investigation evidence is induced, and then it is explained and analyzed from its value and malpractice. The second part mainly compares the provisions on technical investigation evidence between China and foreign countries from the system level. The provisions of Chinese law on technical investigation are relatively late. And only scattered in some laws and provisions of internal provisions, while the provisions of foreign countries on technical investigation started earlier, the relevant system provisions are relatively perfect, from which we can see the deficiencies of our laws on technical investigation provisions. The third part mainly analyzes the difficulties and reasons of the application of technical investigation evidence from the two aspects of entity and procedure, and starts with the situation of the use of technical investigation evidence before and after the revision of the Criminal procedure Law. Then it analyzes the concrete predicament that the technical investigation evidence faces at the two levels of entity and procedure, and then excavates the reason of the dilemma. Part 4th, through the previous analysis, puts forward personal opinions on the perfection of the evidence system of technical investigation in China. In the light of the previous analysis, the problems concerning technical investigation and the emergence of evidence are analyzed. With the help of legislative design, the rules of evidence collection, authentication and exclusion of illegal evidence are effectively regulated, in order to achieve the effective use of technical investigation and evidence, and finally to achieve the purpose of cracking down on crime.


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