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发布时间:2018-03-05 01:30

  本文选题:担保物权 切入点:非讼程序 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In modern economic communication activities, the mutual borrowing between the market subjects is essential, and compared with the ordinary creditor's rights, the secured real right claims have unparalleled advantages from the point of view of realization. Therefore, this also determines the important position of the security real right system in the civil law. In our country, the first way to realize the security right is the way of litigation, but with the market main body (especially the banking and financial industry) taking a long time to litigate. There are more and more disgruntled voices in the way of small returns. Legislators have instead adopted the parallel mode of litigation and non-litigation, making the relationship between creditor's rights and debts clear, and the cases of security interests that have already been paid off have been separately listed and implemented in a non-litigation manner. In this way, we can pursue efficiency to the maximum extent within the framework of law. From the point of view of practice, this paper puts forward some specific suggestions for the realization of non-litigation procedure in security real right cases in China. This article is divided into the following parts. A total of more than 30,000 words: the first part, introduction. This part gives a brief background to the realization of security interest cases, including the important role of security real right in the market economy and the way to realize security interest in the world. At the same time, the realization of other countries and regions are briefly introduced, and finally the legislative provisions of our country are briefly summarized. In order to clarify the difference in the realization of security property right between the two legal provisions, this paper analyzes the relevant articles on the realization of security property right from the two angles of procedural law and substantive law respectively. The third part is the theoretical analysis of the application of non-litigation procedure in security real right cases. This part starts with the concept and characteristics of the non-litigation procedure to demonstrate the internal relationship between the security interest case and the non-litigation procedure. At the same time, it demonstrates the rationality and superiority of the non-litigation procedure in the case of security real right from the two angles of theory and practice. Part 4th discusses the specific application of the case of security interest in judicial practice, mainly from the determination of the court of jurisdiction of the case. The criteria and contents of the court review, the validity of the ruling, and how to provide relief to the parties and other interested parties, and so on, are discussed. Of course, The research on the non-litigation procedure in the case of security interest in our country is still in a very immature stage, therefore, Based on the experience of other countries and regions, this paper puts forward its own viewpoint. The innovation of this paper lies in the 4th part, which puts forward the viewpoint on how to apply the non-litigation procedure to realize the real right of security in practice. In particular, how to determine the jurisdiction of the court, this article will be a detailed classification of security interest cases, on the characteristics of different types of cases to determine the jurisdiction of the court, At the same time, it distinguishes the relief channels in the case of security interest in detail, classifies the type of the case ruling into the permission ruling and the rejection ruling. Then, from the angle of the parties and other interested parties, the author puts forward specific and different ways to remedy the two kinds of adjudication.


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