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发布时间:2018-03-05 16:47

  本文选题:排除合理怀疑 切入点:刑事证明标准 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:刑事证明标准的概念是指:与刑事诉讼相关的公、检、法机关工作人员及诉讼参与人按照一定的法律约束,确认案件待证事实的证明所需要达到的标准或标尺。我国刑事证明标准先后经历了“神示证据”,“讯验明白、理无可疑”,“内心确信”、“事实清楚,证据确实、充分”、“排除合理怀疑”的演变。“排除合理怀疑”标准起源于18世纪英美法系国家,具有悠久的历史。笔者认为“合理怀疑”是指一个正常理智的人所产生的符合人类正常思维逻辑且与犯罪嫌疑人有罪证明有关的任何怀疑。“排除合理怀疑”是指排除掉建立在共同意识基础之上,使一个有理性的人感到犹豫的怀疑,从而达到内心的确信。 我国采用“排除合理怀疑”证明标准是很必要的。首先,“排除合理怀疑”证明标准明确了何为“证据确实、充分”,它是通过反证法和试错法的方式进行证明,使得证明标准更加清晰,可操作性增强。其次,“排除合理怀疑”标准因为证明标准明确,从而可以有效的约束司法行为,有利于减少冤假错案。再次,“排除合理怀疑”标准还可以提高司法工作效率,节约司法资源和社会资源,因此我国采用此标准是合理、必要的。 “排除合理怀疑”标准在我国的适用与实践受到法官自身素质与局限性、法官与案件利害关系程度、道德、传统思想、诉讼地位、媒体炒作等因素的影响。刑事案件中合理怀疑未排除的表现主要有:主要证据之间存在矛盾,主要有罪证据与待证事实之间存在矛盾,主要证据与经验法则之间存在矛盾,非法证据未排除。根据合理怀疑未排除的表现,因此发现合理怀疑后的举措是:及时合法的补充侦查、仔细筛选收集到的证据、补正或作出解释说明。根据疑罪从无原则,当最终合理怀疑不能排除时,其应然结果是宣判无罪或者改判他罪。
[Abstract]:The concept of the standard of criminal proof refers to related criminal justice, inspection staff, law authorities and participants in the proceedings in accordance with the law of the case to determine the facts to be proved that needed to reach the standard or yardstick. Standard of criminal proof in our country has experienced a "spiritual evidence", "news experience understand, beyond reasonable doubt", "inner conviction", "clear facts, evidence really, fully," evolution "beyond reasonable doubt". The standard of "beyond reasonable doubt" originated in the eighteenth Century Anglo American countries, has a long history. The author thinks that the "reasonable doubt" refers to a normal rational person generated in accordance with normal human logical thinking and suspect any doubts about the proof of guilt. "Beyond reasonable doubt" is ruled out based on the common sense of the foundation, make a rational person feel hesitant to doubt, So as to achieve the inner conviction.
China's use of "beyond reasonable doubt" standard of proof is very necessary. Firstly, the proof standard of "beyond reasonable doubt" clear what is "the evidence is reliable and sufficient", it is proved by contradiction and trial and error method, the standard of proof is more clear, operability is enhanced. Secondly, "beyond reasonable because the standard of proof standard doubt" clear, which can constrain judicial behavior effectively, to reduce the miscarriages of justice. Once again, "beyond reasonable doubt" standard can also improve the judicial efficiency, save judicial resources and social resources, therefore our country adopted the standard is reasonable and necessary.
Standard of "beyond reasonable doubt" by the quality of judges and limitations in the application and practice of our country, the judge and the case of interest, morality, traditional thought, legal status, media speculation and other factors. In criminal cases, does not exclude reasonable doubt mainly are: the contradiction between the contradiction between the main evidence. The main evidence of guilt and the facts to be proved, the contradiction between the main evidence and experience rule, the illegal evidence has not been ruled out. According to reasonable doubt does not exclude the performance, so that reasonable doubt after the move, the supplementary investigation by timely, carefully screened to collect evidence, to make corrections or explanation. According to the suspected crime from unprincipled finally, when a reasonable doubt can not be excluded, the ideal result is acquitted or commuted his crime.



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7 杨宇冠;;死刑案件证明研究[J];人民检察;2010年10期

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