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发布时间:2018-03-05 21:07

  本文选题:法官权力监督与制约 切入点:依法独立行使审判权 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Justice is the last line of defense to safeguard social fairness and justice. If this line of defense lacks credibility, social justice will be universally questioned, and social harmony and stability will be difficult to guarantee. The establishment of judicial credibility, of course, requires the judicial power to be exercised independently in accordance with the law. However, the supervision and restriction of judges' power is also the proper meaning of realizing judicial justice. The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law on several important issues" adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18 Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee states: "Canada. Strengthening the supervision of judicial activities, Try to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. "clear supervision and restriction of the importance of judicial credibility. The core problem of constructing the supervision and restriction mechanism of judges' power in our country lies in that it can not only realize effective supervision, but also not impair the independence of judicial power. The supervision and restriction mechanism of judges' power should be the important condition to guarantee the independent exercise of judicial power according to law. The author analyzes the necessity of judicial corruption, the independent exercise of judicial power and the establishment of judicial authority. Then it combs several main modes of supervision and restriction mechanism from the point of view of the constituent elements of power. In the second part, by comparing with the United States, The supervision and restriction mechanism of judges' power in Germany and Taiwan is analyzed, and the system construction of judge's power supervision and restriction mechanism is analyzed, and the existing models and experiences abroad are summarized. In the last chapter, This paper combs the existing supervision and restriction mechanism of judges' power in our country, abstracts the existing problems, and puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of the supervision and restriction mechanism of judges' power in our country in combination with the overseas experience and the national conditions of our country.


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