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发布时间:2018-03-07 01:23

  本文选题:政府信息公开诉讼 切入点:反信息公开诉讼 出处:《海南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:权利的实现需要制度的保障,知情权是公民的一项基本权利,为了在制度上更好的维护和保障公民知情权的实现,国务院于2008年颁布实施了《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称《条例》)、最高人民法院2011年颁布了《最高人民法院关于审理政府信息公开行政案件若干问题的规定》(以下简称《若干规定》),该《条例》及《若干规定》从法律层面上承认了公民部分知情权,同时为保证公民知情权的实现还提供了救济途径,即公民、法人或其他组织可以根据现实情况提起政府信息公开诉讼。适格的原告资格是上述不同类型政府信息公开诉讼顺利进行的前提条件,但由于我国政府信息公开诉讼实践时间较短,《条例》、《若干规定》中对信息公开诉讼原告资格的认定具有模糊性,加之《条例》、《若干规定》中原告资格的规定与《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》(以下简称《行政诉讼法》)衔接上的空白,使得“政府信息公开诉讼”和“反信息公开诉讼”在实践中都出现了诸多困境,其中“政府信息公开诉讼”和“反信息公开诉讼”案件的复杂性以及这两类诉讼原告资格的特殊性,使得政府信息公开诉讼中原告资格的认定存在标准不一、认定混乱的情况,很多的政府信息公开诉讼因原告不适格而被排除在司法程序之外,行政相对人的知情权及自身的合法权益无法得到确实的保障。 本文的结构主要由引言、四部分内容和结语组成。第一部分介绍了政府信息公开诉讼原告资格的一般理论,具体包括政府信息公开诉讼的概念、特征以及政府信息公开诉讼的原告资格认定的规则和相关规定。 第二部分主要阐述了我国政府信息公开诉讼原告资格认定存在的问题及原因,主要问题是原告资格标准选择不明确,同案不同判;原告范围狭窄,诉权无法保障;原告资格认定标准内涵不明确,滥诉案件数量增长。造成这些问题的主要原因是条例与法律衔接上的断层、行政公益诉讼制度缺位、政府信息公开诉讼没有类型化以及相关法律概念界定模糊。 第三部分主要阐述了政府信息公开诉讼原告资格认定的域外考察及启示,该部分介绍了英美法系及大陆法系具有代表性的国家,即英国、美国、德国和日本关于政府信息公开诉讼原告资格认定的相关规定,以及这些域外法对我国的启示。 第四部分论述了完善我国政府信息公开诉讼原告资格认定的设想,首先完善三种类型政府信息公开诉讼原告资格的认定;其次细化政府信息公开诉讼中原告资格认定涉及的相关概念。
[Abstract]:The realization of right needs the guarantee of system, the right to know is a basic right of citizens, in order to better safeguard and guarantee the realization of citizens' right to know in the system, On 2008, the State Council promulgated and implemented the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the publicity of Government Information (hereinafter referred to as the regulations), and the Supreme people's Court promulgated the Supreme people's Court on 2011 on several administrative cases concerning the trial of government information disclosure. The provisions of the question (hereinafter referred to as "certain provisions"), the regulations and the "certain provisions" recognize the right of some citizens to know at the legal level, At the same time, in order to ensure the realization of citizens' right to know, it also provides a remedy, that is, citizens, A legal person or other organization may file a lawsuit for disclosure of government information according to the actual situation. The qualification of the plaintiff is the prerequisite for the smooth proceeding of the different types of government information disclosure proceedings mentioned above. However, due to the short practice time of our government information disclosure litigation, the confirmation of plaintiff's qualification in "regulations" and "several provisions" is vague. In addition to the regulations, the gap in the connection between the qualification of the plaintiff and the Administrative Litigation Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Litigation Law), As a result, both "government information publicity litigation" and "anti-information publicity litigation" have encountered many difficulties in practice. The complexity of the cases of "public government information litigation" and "anti-information disclosure litigation" and the particularity of the plaintiff's qualifications of these two kinds of litigation make the standard of the plaintiff's qualification in the government information disclosure litigation different, and the situation of disordered identification. Many public litigation of government information is excluded from the judicial procedure because the plaintiff is unfit, and the right to know and the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart can not be guaranteed. The structure of this paper is mainly composed of introduction, four parts and conclusion. The first part introduces the general theory of plaintiff's qualification of government information disclosure litigation, including the concept of government information disclosure litigation. Characteristics and the rules and relevant regulations of plaintiff qualification in public government information litigation. The second part mainly expounds the problems and reasons of the plaintiff qualification in our government information publicity litigation. The main problems are that the standard of plaintiff qualification is not clear, the same case is different, the scope of plaintiff is narrow, and the litigation right can not be guaranteed. The standard of plaintiff qualification is not clear, and the number of cases is increasing. The main causes of these problems are the gap between the regulations and the law, and the absence of the administrative public interest litigation system. There is no classification and vague definition of relevant legal concepts in public litigation of government information. The third part mainly elaborated the government information disclosure litigation plaintiff qualification confirmation outside the investigation and the enlightenment, this part introduced the common law system and the civil law system representative country, namely the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Japan on the government information disclosure litigation plaintiff qualification of the relevant provisions, as well as these extraterritorial laws on China's enlightenment. Part 4th discusses the assumption of perfecting the qualification of plaintiff in the litigation of government information disclosure in our country. Firstly, it consummates the confirmation of the plaintiff's qualification of three types of public litigation of government information. Secondly, the government information disclosure litigation involved in the qualification of the plaintiff involved in the concept.


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