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发布时间:2018-03-06 23:29

  本文选题:指定居所 切入点:监视居住 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law, which has been in force since January 1st 2013, has partly amended the compulsory measures in China. What is of most concern to people in this amendment is the stipulation of the designated residence surveillance residence system in Article 72. In a situation where the surveillance residence system is in a situation where there is no need to do so, there is a strong desire to abolish the surveillance residence system. The system of designated residence surveillance has been written into the Criminal procedure Law, which undoubtedly has once again triggered a debate about the retention or abolition of the system of supervised residence and designated residence. Study the provisions of the compulsory measures in the new Code of Criminal procedure. We have so many doubts about the establishment of a designated residence monitoring system that no wonder we have heard opposition from one of them. Is designated residence surveillance a compulsory measure of 6th kinds or a special form of residence surveillance? People have different views on this; people have different understandings as to whether a designated residence monitoring residence has a non-custodial nature or an alternative nature of custody; and how a designated residence monitoring residence should be applied. People also have different views. Nowadays, the designated residence monitoring residence system has been in place for more than a year in the midst of questioning, and in practice, the designated residence monitoring residence system is as expected. The reason why the designated residence surveillance system is not applicable is that people have doubts about the designated residence monitoring residence system, which is congenital malformation. People are worried that the designated residence surveillance residence system will become a legal cover for disguised detention. People worry that the designated residence monitoring housing system will infringe on the rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, and all kinds of worries. Fear has made the system of designated residence surveillance a dead letter. But the introduction of a system must make sense. This paper tries to analyze the nature of the system, the current situation of its application, the framework of the system, and the cases it has come into contact with. In this paper, the author makes a study on how to perfect the system of designated residence surveillance in our country.


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