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发布时间:2018-03-06 22:13

  本文选题:当事人和解 切入点:特别程序 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着修改后刑事诉讼法的实施,我国的刑事和解程序实践探索以“当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序”为专节予以明确规定,并在司法实践中开始实施。立法者出于审慎立法的考虑,因此修改后的刑事诉讼法对当事人和解的公诉案件程序的规定非常简单,只用了三条法律条文对公诉案件当事人和解的适用条件、和解协议的制作和和解协议的法律效果等方面进行了规定。“两高一部”虽分别针对该程序制定了30个相对细化的、具有一定操作性的规定,但有关和解制度实施中的法律规定依然存在单薄简陋、矛盾冲突、缺失空白等问题。具体体现在没有规定和解适用的基本原则,和解适用的条件不明确,和解的内容和方式单一,和解的法律后果与其他法律规范存在冲突等问题。上述问题不解决,将影响到当事人和解制度立法初衷的实现,也会给司法实务部门带来困惑和两难,影响执法办案的实际效果和法律的统一正确实施。 本文从解读当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序法律条文出发,,着重评介修改后刑事诉讼法、最高法关于《适用中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的解释》(以下简称《高法解释》)、最高检《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》(以下简称《高检规则》)、公安部《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》(以下简称《公安部规定》)等四个法律文本中关于当事人和解公诉案件诉讼程序的规定,对各法律文本之间规定的冲突、法律文本与司法实践的冲突、法律规范对重大事项规定的遗漏等问题进行分析,结合司法工作实践和各地有益的司法探索及国外恢复性司法措施的成功经验,提出立法建议,确保当事人和解制度得到有效实施,取得预期效果。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the revised Criminal procedure Law, the practice of the criminal reconciliation procedure in our country explores that the specific section of "Proceedings of Public Prosecution cases for the settlement of the parties" is specifically stipulated. And began to implement it in judicial practice. The legislator, out of the consideration of careful legislation, therefore, the revised Criminal procedure Law provides very simple provisions on the procedure of public prosecution for the reconciliation of the parties. Only three legal provisions have been used to regulate the applicable conditions of reconciliation between the parties in a public prosecution case, the making of the settlement agreement and the legal effect of the settlement agreement. Although the "two higher and one ministries" have developed 30 relatively detailed ones for this procedure, There are some operational provisions, but the relevant legal provisions in the implementation of the reconciliation system still exist such problems as meanness, contradiction and conflict, lack of blank, etc., which are embodied in the absence of basic principles for the application of reconciliation. The conditions for the application of reconciliation are not clear, the content and method of reconciliation are single, the legal consequences of reconciliation are in conflict with other legal norms, and so on. If the above problems are not resolved, it will affect the realization of the original intention of the legislation of the reconciliation system of the parties. It will also bring confusion and dilemma to the judicial practice department, and affect the actual effect of law enforcement and the correct enforcement of the law. Based on the interpretation of the legal provisions of the procedural procedures in public prosecution cases, this paper focuses on the revised Criminal procedure Law. Interpretation of the Supreme Law on the Application of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the interpretation of the Supreme Law), the Supreme Procuratorate the rules of Criminal procedure of the people's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the rules of High Procuratorate) and the Ministry of Public Security < Public Security organs. The provisions on the procedure for the settlement of public prosecution cases by the parties in four legal texts (hereinafter referred to as "the regulations of the Ministry of Public Security"), To analyze the conflicts between the legal texts, the conflicts between the legal texts and the judicial practice, and the omissions of the major provisions in the legal norms, Combining with the judicial practice and the beneficial judicial exploration and the successful experience of foreign restorative judicial measures, this paper puts forward some legislative suggestions to ensure the effective implementation of the system of reconciliation between the parties and obtains the expected results.


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