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发布时间:2018-03-06 20:26

  本文选题:未成年人 切入点:前科 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:前科制度在发挥社会防卫功能的同时,不可避免地会侵害到前科者的个人权利,给昔日的犯罪人在复归社会的途中带来客观上的障碍以及心理上的阴影。作为制约前科负面效应的配套机制,前科消灭制度越来越受到我国刑事理论界以及司法实务界的关注。《刑法修正案(八)》以及新《刑事诉讼法》的出台使我国未成年人前科消灭制度初具雏形,然而,,制度构建之初难免存在不足之处。本文以我国现有的未成年人犯罪记录封存制度为切入点,通过对少年司法理念的分析以及相关国际公约内容的阐述,进一步提出具有可行性和前瞻性的完善建议,加快我国未成年人前科消灭制度的构建进程。 全文共计四万余字,分为五个部分。引言部分阐述了本文所要研究问题的缘起以及研究意义。 绪论部分阐述了当前的研究现状,并对制度所涉及的核心概念进行了重新界定。“刑法意义”作为“前科”的本质属性,不仅排除了行政处罚这些非刑事污点成立前科的可能,也排除了酌定不起诉以及附条件不起诉成立前科的可能性。“前科”的外延与刑事责任的诸多实现方式相符,包括刑罚处罚、非刑罚处罚、单纯的有罪宣告以及经特赦令免除刑罚的消灭处理方式。狭义的“前科消灭”以及“撤销前科”共同构成了前科消灭的具体方式,而有关前科消灭的外在表现之争——犯罪记录到底是选择封存还是注销,实为社会保护与权利保障的价值权衡问题。 第二部分主要围绕我国的制度现状展开分析,提出进一步完善前科消灭制度存在现实的必要性。从法律政策着眼,我国当下的未成年人犯罪记录封存制度存在内容过于粗糙、保护力度不足的问题,主要体现在适用范围过窄、消灭标准不当、权利保障有限、实施主体缺失以及制度内容不健全等方面。从司法实务着眼,我国各地试点工作零散、操作欠规范并且相对滞后,这就需要尽快积累地方经验,通过理论导引与法律规范的依托,不断深化改革,完善制度。 第三部分从宏观的角度探讨制度完善的方向。由于我国少年司法“先天不足”,“双向保护”的平衡点应当是以未成年人权益保障为主,兼顾社会保护。此外,我国作为《儿童权利公约》的缔约国,同样受制于“联合国少年司法标准和规范”的约束,在具体构建上应当以相关国际公约的具体执行标准为底线。同时,在现有刑事法制国际化的背景下,本文还积极借鉴域外立法的先进经验,不断完善未成年人前科消灭制度。 第四部分是文章的重点,笔者从微观的角度展开具体的制度构建。总体上来说,未成年人前科消灭制度适用对象应当普遍化,不过,基于刑事法律体系完备性的考虑,我国现阶段特别累犯以及毒品再犯不适用前科消灭;其次,适用条件应当相对宽松,考察期限以悔改的难易程度为划分标准,整体上不宜过长,考察内容以行为人没有故意违法犯罪为准;最后,适用方式应当多元化,以法定消灭为基础,撤销前科为补充,共同构建未成年人前科消灭制度的运行程序。此外,为了保障制度功能的有效发挥,本文还关注了未成年人隐私权的保护以及相应配套措施的衔接问题。
[Abstract]:The criminal record system in the play of social defense function at the same time, will inevitably infringe upon the rights of the individual criminal record, way to the former criminals in return to the society brings the obstacles and psychological shadow. As the supporting mechanism restricts the negative effect of criminal recorddestroy system, more and more Chinese criminal theory and the judicial practice circles. The criminal law amendment (eight) "and the introduction of the new" criminal procedural law > China sermpc take shape, however, at the beginning of the construction of the system shortcomings inevitably exist. Based on China's current juvenile criminal record storage system as the breakthrough point, through the content analysis of juvenile the judicial idea and relevant international conventions elaborated, further put forward feasible and forward-looking suggestions to accelerate our sermpc construction process.
The full text of a total of more than 40000 words, is divided into five parts. The introduction part describes the research problems of this paper to the origin and significance of the research.
The introduction part introduces the research status, and the core concepts involved in the system was re defined. The "criminal law" as the essence of "criminal record", not only eliminates the administrative punishment of these non criminal convictions may stain was established, also ruled out the possibility of non prosecution and non prosecution of additional conditions the establishment of criminal record. "Consistent extension and criminal responsibility form" in many ways, including penalty, non penalty punishment, the guilty declaration by amnesty and exemption from punishment elimination treatment. The narrow "elimination" and "revocation form" constitute the specific ways of elimination of criminal record, and the elimination of criminal record outside the performance of the debate -- criminal record in the end is to choose the storage or cancellation, protection and rights is the value of social security trade-offs.
The second part mainly focuses on the system of the current situation of our country to analyze, put forward to further improve the system of elimination of criminal record is necessary. From the perspective of legal policy, our country's current juvenile criminal record storage system is too rough, the lack of protection of the problems, mainly reflected in the narrow scope, standard of killing is improper, the protection of the rights limited implementation of the main content of the system is not perfect and lack of other aspects. From the perspective of judicial practice in our country, the pilot work of the scattered, lack of standardized operation and relatively lag, which requires the accumulation of local experience as soon as possible, by relying on the theoretical guidance and legal norms, deepening reform, perfecting the system.
The third part discusses the direction of a sound system from a macro perspective. Because of China's juvenile justice "congenitally deficient", "balance dual protection" should be to protect the interests of minors, social protection. In addition, China as the "Convention on the rights of the child on the parties, also subject to the juvenile justice standards of the United Nations and the specification of the constraints, in the concrete construction should be based on the specific implementation of standards of relevant international conventions for the bottom line. At the same time, the existing criminal law under the background of internationalization, this paper also actively learn from the advanced experience of foreign legislation, and constantly improve the sermpc.
The fourth part is the focus of the article, the author from the micro perspective of specific system construction. On the whole, sermpc application object should be universal, however, the completeness of criminal legal system based on the consideration of special recidivist stage and drug recidivism is not suitable for the elimination of criminal record; secondly, the applicable conditions should be relatively study period to loose, the degree of difficulty of repentance for the standard, on the whole should not be too long, to examine the contents of the perpetrator is not intentional crimes shall prevail; finally, the suitable way should be diversified, eliminate law as the basis, to revoke the record as the supplement, to jointly build sermpc operation procedure. In addition, effectively in order to guarantee the system function, this paper is also concerned about the problem of convergence to protect the privacy of minors and the corresponding measures.



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